18.your bravery

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Once again, so much credit to @scmch on tumblr. Go follow! Wouldn't be able to write this without talking to Allie so show some love over there!


Your bravery.

I fell in love with your bravery.

I remember the first time we had a talk about gender and sexuality and god and all of those things no one talks about, over a bottle of wine, late night on a Saturday.

"I don't know Scott. What am I? What do I identify as? People keep asking if I'm gender fluid on twitter and it's just much to handle.. Everyone speculating about you and stuff."

"You don't have to identify as something. You can just be. You can just identify as Mitch."

So that's what you did.

You were just Mitch.

And what if Mitch wanted to wear lipstick? What if he wanted to get about a hundred more tattoos and change his hair color a lot?

You didn't care about the negativity, you just did you.

And I fell in love with your bravery and your confidence and your self-love.

I was never as brave as you. I mean yes, I was out and still am but I could never do what you did.

I fell in love with the way you looked so shocked when people told you how much you inspired them and how you genuinely couldn't believe it afterwards.

"Can you believe I inspired this girl to come out? That's insane.. That's crazy."

But it's not crazy. It's not insane.

It's totally normal.

When someone has such strength like you everyone would look up to them. It's natural.

But you never understood that. That's why I'm here though.

So I can remind you everyday.

The eighteenth I fell in love with was your bravery.

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