9. your hair

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Your hair.

I fell in love with your hair.

I fell in love with your hair and the way it messily sits on your head when you wake up.

The softness of it when I run my hands through it and that one piece that never falls into place with the rest.

I fell even more in love with your hair when you made it purple and then blonde.

"Hey Scottland."

"H-oh hi. Your hair is purple."

"Yeah she's purple now. Do you like it?"

"I love it. You're the prettiest eggplant emoji around."

I fell in love with the way your hair falls when it's wet and how you keep fixing it and touching it whenever you find a chance.

The way it fits your face perfectly and how you always want it to be tamed even though it looks better when it's messy.

I fell in love with how it smelled like shampoo when I kissed the top of your head. 

The ninth thing I fell in love with was your hair.

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