10.your scent

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Your scent.

I fell in love with your scent.

I'm not only talking about your cologne. I'm talking about your actual smell.

The one that lingered on your clothes, that were way too baggy for you so I could always wear them and then it was like you never left my side.

I'm talking about that mix of cologne, shampoo, deodorant and your natural smell.

I would always whine when you took my clothes but when I wore one of your hoodies for the first time, I understood.

It felt like you were always there.

And when I took it off, your smell lingered on me for the rest of the day, making me almost not wanting to shower because it would leave.

I fell in love with the way you would tiptoe when I hugged you and then I would be able to crouch a bit and put my face in the crook of your neck so I could take in your scent.

And at the end of the day, I would always come back to you.

So it smelled like home.

"Is that my sweater?"

"Yes. Is this my jacket?"


The tenth thing I fell in love with was your scent.

all the things I love about youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें