Chapter 5: When in Rome

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Chapter 5: When in Rome

"Happy birthday Anya!" Nyota, Pavel, Jim, Spock, Sulu, Scotty, Bones and I were sitting at a table wearing stupid paper hats watching Anya in her high chair smiling away. She had gotten three teddy bears, some new clothes, a toy phaser and a robotic dog. I was legitimately amazed that they'd all bought presents for her next five birthdays and brought them along. Obviously myself and Pavel did, because she was our daughter, but all our friends doing so too shocked me greatly.

When everyone finished their cake, I set Anya on the floor to play with her new robotic dog - curtesy of Spock, amazingly - which was bigger than her. It was like watching somebody play with a bear. I joined in the small talk everyone was having after a while and it nearly made me have a heart attack when my communicator went off. "Bella, you and Jim have to come see this. Now." It was Bonnie, who had the com. Jim and I made our way to the Bridge. "Look, I don't know what it is but we're flying right into it." Jim looked thoughtful for a moment before a huge grin erupted onto his face, making Bonnie blush.

"Keep her going. We're explorers now and we can't be afraid of a little cloud." And so it was. I stayed in the Bridge as everybody came back from Anya's party, her in Pavel's arms. I was passed a child as Pavel took his seat.

Three hours later and they started to act strangely. Pavel started to ignore me and got close to Nyota. Spock and Scotty were joined at the hip and Jim kept throwing me flirty looks. I simply ignored it and continued to sit on the floor playing with my daughter, but a while later when Sulu walked onto the Bridge with his hair spiked and glared at us all I realised something really serious was up. I went back to my quarters and put Anya down for a nap when Jim walked in. "Hey honey. What a day." I stared at him as he walked over to mine and Pavel's bed and flopped down onto it.

"What do you think you're doing?" He got up and grinned at me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot again." He came up and kissed me on the mouth. I was too shocked to even protest. "How's our little girl? Did Amy have a good day?" I nearly protested but a good proverb popped into my head; when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I put on a 100 watt smile and nodded.

"Yep. She played all day and now the poor girl's tuckered out." Jim chuckled.

"Always wearing her out aren't you? Oh well."

"Oh gosh! Look at the time! I have to go finish up some work. See you later, sweetie!" He nodded and closed his eyes and I went straight to Jim's quarters. I knocked on the door to be confronted by a sleep-affected Pavel.

"You're late." I raised an eyebrow as he pulled me in and the door closed automatically, as they do. He kissed me on the mouth as well and I pushed him away.

"Wait, what are we doing?" He sighed and hugged me close.

"I know you love Jim too, but it's okay if he doesn't find out. And that lie about your mother having curly hair worked great on him. He thinks Amy is his daughter. We don't have to keep this up if you want, but I'll regret it if we end it and so will you." I mulled this over. Apparently I was married to Jim and was having an affair with Pavel, which had resulted in a child Jim thought was This was weird. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. I opened them and looked at my husband.

"I do love you and I want us to be together but right now, I have to go." He nodded like he understood and I left, heading straight towards the Bridge.

"Commander Kirk. What do you need?" I looked at Nyota, my best friend and the hate-filled glare she directed at me.

"We need to go into warp six right now."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"Yes you can. I'm second officer and wife of the Captain. You can do whatever I tell you." She glared at me more and turned to Sulu, who was in a deep conversation with a nurse.

"Warp six, please mister Sulu." Sulu sighed like a hormonal teenage girl and did as he was commanded. I smiled and ran back to my quarters. Unfortunately, Jim was waiting.

"Hello darling. I was in bed, thinking maybe you' to join me?" I gaped in horror, but he lead me by the wrist. He trailed kisses down my neck and on my face for a few minutes before reaching for my dress zip. I was too stunned to even move as he slowly zipped it down. I squeezed my eyes shut but opened them when it stopped. "What...where...Bella?!" I silently thanked the gods as he leapt off of me. "I am so sorry! I have no idea what happened! I thought we were married and Anya...oh dear god I'm so sorry!" I laughed.

"It's okay. I was having an affair with Pavel anyway. Apparently it didn't work on me, the psychic whatever in that big cloud. And in that psychic induced trance, Anya - or should I say Amy? - wasn't even yours. A product of my affair with my real husband." Jim laughed as Pavel burst into the room.

"What the hell was that?!" I explained to him what had happened and he too laughed. "I guess we can map that part of space as a no-go zone." I rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom.

"I've had a long day and I'm going to bed. Goodnight or whatever." I heard some half-hearted replies as I flopped on top of the covers and fell asleep.

Seven months of uneventful space later

I groaned into my pillow as the emergency alarm rang loud and clear. After seven months of basically nothing, that alarm wasn't exactly my idea of a good morning. I reluctantly got dressed and went with Pavel to the Bridge. "What's the problem?" I asked Jim, battling to keep my eyelids open.

"There's a N'ang ship over there that just warped in.I hold on, they're hailing us." He commanded the acceptance of the hail and an ugly N'ang appeared on the screen.

"We have seen the power of the weapons you carry on your ship and we want the...United Federation of Planets as you call it, as allies. We would like your Starfleet to side with N'ang so we can trade with other planets and get better things." Jim turned to me.

"What do you think?"

"Well, their English has gotten better, thats for sure. But I think we should take up their offer. Better to make friends than enemies." He nodded and turned back to the screen.

"We accept your offer and we request you beam over a leader of your kind. For discussions of course." The N'ang said something in his language and a second later he was on the Bridge. the transmission ended and we discussed the negotiations of the truce. We couldn't attack them and vice versa and we have them several beaming equations and blueprints for warp cores while they in turn gave us lots of gold and silver, which was a very common material on their planet. The leader left and we were on our way, off into more unexplored space to map it out and help Starfleet as much as we could. So far, so good I guess, but who knew what kinds of things we would encounter next?

Authors note

This is a short chapter and that's really only because I'm putting a phenomenally long authors note at the end. Not.

I've gained so many reads in the past few days which makes me happy.

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