Chapter 10: Revenge of the krazy

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Chapter 10: Revenge of the krazy

Khan Noonien Singh. That was the voice I had heard, and as he stepped out of the shadows I gasped. "You! I can take you now, I'm just as super-human as you!" Khan laughed.

"True, you are as powerful as me. But, I have you tied up with a chain that even I cannot break." I tried once more to break the heavy metal around my wrists and found it was true.

"What do you want from me?!" Khan laughed a laugh that made my skin crawl. Think Sideshow Bob.

"When your ancestor - I shall not speak his name - thwarted me, I vowed to extinguish his line. I'll start with you and then I'll kill your children." I lashed out. Screaming, I managed to land a kick on Khan's leg.

"Leave my children alone!" I yelled and Khan snarled at me. Great job Bella, next time keep your mouth shut.

"Just for that, I'm going to kill your husband as well." With those pleasant words, he punched me and I went out like a light.

When I awoke, I wasn't chained to the chair. I was chained to the wall, my feet chained together and my arms on opposite sides of my head, like Catholic crosses with the Jesus' on them. From what I could gather, I was underground. Or Khan had taken precautions to make sure I wouldn't escape, like sealing all the windows and cracks in the walls. The room was made of cement and maybe 4x4 metres in size. I couldn't really see, as there weren't any windows (unless they were under eight feet of cement), and I detected a smell of mould. Not strong enough to make me sick, but not weak either. "Not exactly a five-star resort..." Unfortunately, I received a reply.

"No. It is not a resort, it is where you are destined to die. This is a place I have set up especially for you so I can get revenge for what was done to me over 300 years ago." I swallowed a lump in my throat the size of Dublin and thought back to the last time we met. I needed to procrastinate and find a way out of here. Clearly, there was a door in the room because Khan definitely wasn't sleeping in the corner...if he slept at all.

"How did you get out of cryo-sleep?" I thought I'd struck gold with that one, but the cold, cruel laugh from Khan didn't help.

"That is for me to know and you to find out. Now, I am going to start with my revenge. I am going to take this knife," he pulled out a three inch long shiny metal knife, "and I am going to make an incision. The shooting didn't work, so I have decided to take an even older-fashioned method." He lifted up my dress and made a ten centimetre long, semi-deep cut on my thigh. I screamed as he did this and I felt my hot blood trickle down my leg. The pain made me black out.

When I opened my eyes again, I was still chained to the wall but I had three more cuts on my legs. The first one had been infected and was leaking pus. "Ah, Bellatrix. You finally woke up. This is your third day here and as you can see I have made two more cuts on you. Unfortunately, the first has been infected so you'll most likely die in the next two days. Sad, really. I had so much planned but no matter! I will simply make sure you're awake for the next pain I am to inflict on you. I have here the extract from a Ceti Eel. When I inject it into you you will experience acute mental pain which will break you and then you will die as the infection reaches your bone. Not exactly what I'd planned, but good enough." He came over to me and injected the viscous purple liquid into a bright blue vein on my left arm. Instantly it was like fire in my veins. It was so agonising I couldn't even scream. I got hallucinations of my mother dying and my father the last time I'd seen him. I saw Pavel stabbed and Anya drowned and my little Carden poisoned. It made me long for death. I saw things that made me squirm, things that made me happy and things that made me laugh hysterically for hours on end with their horror and sick humour. It was a never-ending spiral that kept me wanting more, but at the same time wanting it to end. I wanted to die.

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