Chapter Twenty-Grounded.

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Chapter Twenty-Grounded.

Ashlynn’s P.O.V

When I awoke, the first thing I felt was confusion. Yet at the same time, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. A warm duvet was wrapped around me, and I rolled over with a contented sigh. It was much too comfortable and safe here to move. I was tired, so very tired. Why had I awoken? I’d had a stupid dream that I couldn’t quite remember. Flashes of images came into my mind and I sat up with a start, a hand flying to my mouth.

I was in a bedroom I’d never seen before, in a bed I’d never slept in. Dylan was sat across from me in a comfortable looking arm chair, flicking through an old magazine. He looked up sharply as he heard movement, beetle eyes softening instantly.


I barely heard him as I jumped up from the bed, running towards the nearest bathroom, which could be god knows where. I took a guess, heading for the smaller door and thankfully, it paid off. I’d never been so grateful for an ensuite in my life.

I was horribly ill, only just having time to slam the door behind me. He didn’t need to see this. Once I was finished I leant against the edge of the bath, finding it cooling for my burning forehead.

“Ashlynn? Are you okay?” Dylan’s frantic calls made my head hurt just thinking of them. Then he started knocking, a noise that felt like a thousand elephants were trampling over me.

“M’fine. Go away,” I moaned, closing my eyes.

“No, Ashlynn! Please, tell me what’s going on!”

I rolled my eyes. It didn’t take a genius to work it out, did it?

“I was ill, that’s all. Just gimme a minute.”

The gentle sound of soft footfalls told me that he had walked away, and I sighed in relief. I just needed a few minutes to myself, to feel clean again and try to let my heavy brain process all that had happened.

Once I was sure I wasn’t going to be ill again, I stood up. The bitter taste of bile lay settled in my mouth, and I desperately needed to rid myself of it. Of course, I could not brush my teeth but I could do something.

Spying some unopened mouth wash, I quickly cracked open the lid and took a gulp, swilling it around my sick tainted mouth. I washed my face, splashing on some cold water to help calm me down. I needed to focus, focus on what had happened.

I had told them. The secret I had vowed to never tell anyone was now known by two people. They knew what sort of person I was, now. Oh god, what had I done?

And that wasn’t the worst part. Not only did they know about that night, but they also knew about Hope. And to top it all off, I’d completely lost the plot and turned into a monster I never even knew existed within me.

In simple terms, I was screwed.

“Lynne?” Dylan called again.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and mentally preparing myself for the inevitable chaos on the other side of that door. Part of me wanted to stay in that small room forever, but I just couldn’t. I had to do it.

So I did. I stood up and opened the door, staring at Dylan’s worried face. “Stop frowning,” I muttered, staring at the floor.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. I-it was just the shock,” I replied.


“Yes, Dylan. It’s a lot to take in and the things I told you…it just brought it all back again.”

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