Chapter Twenty Six-Holding on.

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  • Dedicated to My friend, Lauren.

Chapter Twenty Six-Holding on.

Ashlynn’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t stop crying. This just felt like some sort of nightmare, a twisted fragment of my imagination. I’d wake up soon, I had to. But it was real.

Rebeckah was dying.

The worst bit? They didn’t know what of. It had been exactly three minutes past eleven, when Sadie got the text. I knew that, because Seth and her were in the middle of some serious making out, and she gave--no, threw--the phone to me. And then I read it, from her Mom.

Of course, Sadie had jumped into action when I told her, dialling her Mom immediately. It turned out that Rebeckah had awoken extremely ill in the early hours of this morning, and her Mother had called the doctor who said...well. He said that he wasn’t sure what was wrong, but that in her current condition, it was very likely she would die within the next few days.

It didn’t sound like something that happened in real life. It sounded like something that happened in some kind of clichéd thriller, like the ones you see so often in the movie theatres nowadays. It didn’t actually happen. Someone couldn’t be fine one day, and dying of mysterious, unknown causes the next.

Then again, before all of this, I’d have said it was impossible to communicate with your dead twin sister too.

She’s dying. Rebeckah is dying.

I wasn’t naive; I knew what was going on here. It had to have something to do with her, didn’t it? And Tallulah. It had to. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe this was just one, big, hellishly unfortunate coincidence.

I had to see her.

The second Dylan realized what was going on, his arms were wrapped around me. It felt nice, despite the situation. I felt so comfortable, and warm. I felt safe. Without sounding cheesy, it felt like home.

So that was how I came to be there, tears streaming down my face, Dylan’s arms wrapped around me, sat leant against the concrete wall. Sadie had her head buried in Seth’s chest, and Jack was stood up, pacing. Typical man; didn’t know what to do with his emotions.

Jaz was...well, being irritating if I were quite honest. She wasn’t crying, didn’t even look affected by any of this. I know, I know. People all deal with grief in their own little ways. But seriously, she could look slightly worried. No, rather than worrying about Beckah’s life being in danger, she was flicking her newly dyed purple hair, and attempting to flirt with Jack.

Yes, I’m serious. Even now.

Thankfully, good old Jacko was having none of it.

“So Jack,” Jaz purred. “What do you think of my new hair? Sort of shows off my personality, don’t you think?”

I would have rolled my eyes, if it wasn’t for fear of yet more tears over spilling.  A frown formed on Jack’s face, and I could see that he was choosing his next words very carefully.

“What, fake and plum-like?” he asked, with all the innocence of a three-year-old child.

In any other situation, I’d have snorted at the look on the girl’s face. Instead, I watched Dylan, as the corners of his mouth twitched into a smirk. Even Sadie emerged from Seth’s chest, the small trace of a smile haunting her now pale face.

“I...what did you say?” Jaz asked, as though she couldn’t quite believe her ears. Jack snorted.

“I don’t believe in all this crap about changing your body to reflect yourself, or even changing it at all. I want a girl that’s pure; all natural, you know? People that dye their hair and such to get attention from guys. They try so hard, you know?”

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