News Corner

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My journey to discovering Wattpad started when a friend of mine told me, I was lesbian and as a true testament of her insanity she decided to kiss me to prove it to me. Was I lesbian? No. But Did I like it? Hell yes! Turns out there's this cool term called bisexual that i didn't know at 14. In all my confusion I decided to turn to my good old pal Google and I stumbled over Wattpad. In a short month I had searched and found as many girlxgirl stories as I could find but don't you wish wattpad simply had a LGBTQ category already? Well so does NileyJay6116

She has started a petition for Wattpad to create a category for all the amazing LGBTQ stories out there. To join her petition and be a part of the change follow the external link and place your signature.

In the mean time check out these great Wattpad accounts that have the best inclusive LGBTQ library you can find:

If you want to be a part of a wonderful Rainbow community check out RainbowBridge they have a cool thread with wonderful members and awesome Contests that run all year round. Its a great place to be accepted and grow in your journey within the Wattpad community..

There are also cool book clubs that incorporate LGBTQ stories TheSafeZone is one of them of course but Grim Readers is another great book club started by KikiEmin to join and grow as a writer.

The RibbonCampaign is a campaign started by legacystyles that was inspired by a story called the ribbon campaign featuring a girl who starts a campaign called the ribbon campaign to show support for the LGBTQ community. To show your support simply put a ribbon around your wrist and post it on social media using the #ribboncampaign.

If you are looking for other great LGBTQ campaigns to follow

FreeTheLGBT is a great place to start. With lots of different subaccounts from all around the world namely:


Also check out:

TransAllyCommunity and FreeTheGender

Both campaigns that show and support genders that fall under non binary terms.

If you want to be featured in the next issue of our magazine please PM this account with details on your campaign and what you do.

Thank you

TSZ Magazine: June 2016 (Issue #1)Where stories live. Discover now