Chapter 1- The Blood Moon Is Rising

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//Jordan's POV//

I crouched silently, trying my best not to make a sound. I opened my storage chest and pulled out some necessities such as my enchanted diamond sword, some potions, and a mixture of food and torches. I pulled on my enchanted iron armor. It was pretty decent, with Protection IV on each piece. The purplish glow reminded me of my goddess, Ianite. Now was not the time to brood or shut myself in my vault. Today was purge day.

"Thank god I sealed up my vault earlier," I said to myself as a cannon boomed in the distance. I pulled out my communicator and red words flashed distinctly across the screen as it beeped incessantly, 'The Purge Has Begun."

I pulled out a strength potion and hastily gulped it down as quietly as I could. My heart skipped a beat as I heard a door opening and closing somewhere above me. Trust Tom to be this early in beginning the purge.

I snuck upstairs and out of my vault. Surveying my surroundings, checking for potion particle effects, I hastened to open the door and run outside, potion in one hand, sword in the other. I'd decided not to be aggressive or active during the purge ever since Ianite left. Since Capsize died. She was too painful to think about.

My heart ached as I thought of my goddess. I remembered how devastated I was when she left me, saying that she was weakening and that she couldn't be around for much longer. No amount of blueberry pie could make me feel any better about her disappearance. Sighing inaudibly, I made my way to a strip mine that I had made. I would be mining this purge. Hopefully no one would sneak up on me. But in the world of Mianite, everything right goes wrong and everything wrong stays wrong. Unless it becomes right. Or wrong. Or confusing, like my thoughts when I'm nervous.

"Jardon you fool, get a hold of yourself," I whispered to myself.

I hacked at the cobblestone in front of me, going deeper and deeper into the world. I don't know how long I mined. It might have been days. But what got me out of my mining trance was two loud beeps from my communicator.

[Server] The Blood Moon is rising...

I groaned. Fighting mobs is manageable but a waste of time and resources. I shifted my gaze to the second message.

OMGitsfirefoxx was slain by SynHD

This would have been a regular purge message to me if not for the fact that Tom was in my house earlier, sneaking and invisible. I knew that Sonja was out exploring away from the spawn island this purge, and she was far, far away from my house. Tom couldn't get that far even with Speed II on. Everyone else, including Declan, the priest, was off doing a task for Mianite. The only people on the server were Sonja, Tom, and -


I swore internally. Tucker knew how to get into my vault by enderpearling through the glass. I gulped down a speed potion and hurried up the roughly cut stone steps and sped, the world a blur around me, towards my house, sword in hand. My shiny red sunglasses somehow managed to stay on my face as Casa Da Sparkelz came into sight.

I didn't want Tucker to steal my things, sure. But there were things that the smartass could definitely find in my vault that were far more important than my stack of diamonds.

//Tucker's POV//

I had to stop myself from laughing as Sparklez rushed out of the door without checking the upstairs of his house.

"Seriously Jordan? Where are you rushing off so quickly to get to?" I sighed to myself. Well, that made my job easier anyway. I descended the steps to Sparkelz's vault, reaching in my pocket for the necessary stack of enderpearls. Positioning myself at the correct angle, I flung my enderpearl through the glass.


I was in Jordan's vault. Finally, I could get my hands on all his enchanted diamond armor and swords that he kept stashed. As I walked towards the chest, I noticed something strange. There was a trapdoor underneath Jordan's infinite water source.

Grinning, I opened the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder. More diamonds, I thought to myself. However, I was disappointed. It was a narrow cobblestone room that was had a mere four blocks of standing area and was two blocks high. There was a chest that stood at the corner. Overcome by curiosity, I opened it. Inside was a wilted rose and a book. Being the nosy parker that I am, I opened it and began reading.


I'm sorry that I have to leave you so abruptly like this. I have not fulfilled being your goddess as I will no longer be here with you. I apologise. I am getting weaker by day and I think that you will be better off without me. You were a faithful and loyal follower, but it is best if I journey to other worlds and see if I can find my Spark Plug there. Dear follower, I hope you can forgive me for leaving you and should I one day return, I hope that you will welcome me without too much hurt. Farewell.


Ianite's gone?

This took a while to register in my head, but it soon started to make sense. How sad and depressed Jordan seemed lately. How little he worked on his reactor and nerdy machines. How much time he spent alone, cooped up in his vault and how hard he tried to retain the balance.

The rose, of course, was from his deceased girlfriend Capsize.

I heard running footsteps above me. I stuffed the book and rose back unceremoniously into the chest, and as I tried to escape, my path was blocked by somebody.

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