Chapter 6 - Something's Watching

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//Jordan's POV//

"YES!" I smirked as I came across a vein of diamonds. I could hear Tom cursing audibly from the strip mine next to me. In a few moments, I saw a tuft of blue hair and saw Tom running towards me, pickaxe in hand. He looked salty, but nobody beats Tucker in terms of salt.

He looked in disbelief at the vein of diamonds as I mined them with my Fortune II pickaxe. "13..14..15!" I picked up the fifteen diamonds that glimmered in the dull light of the torches. Tom scowled, examining the diamonds. "They're fake diamonds. THEY'RE MADE OF PLASTIC YOU SAUSAGE." I laughed as he pouted, defeated. I gathered up my diamonds and we exited the mine.

"Hey, we should go to Wag's place and learn that new spell he was telling us about." Tom said. I was kind of suspicious of what Wag was actually talking about, because he seemed to be on the verge of laughing. Well.

We walked towards Wag's tower. I've always liked his tower. It had mossy cobbled walls with creeping vines; a thatched roof; a sliding door that glimmered and shone and swung upwards; and an extension that led to a spellmaking altar. I told myself that I'd build a cool tower like that one day.

Wag was the most able wizard in our dimension who helped us brew complex potions and construct spells. He was a pretty cool dude, although we didn't often hang out.

Tom and I ascended the steps to the tower, where Wag was waiting, standing on his extended platform examining a thick purplish book of spells.

"Hey guys, ready to see my spell?" Wag seemed pretty enthusiastic. "Tom, I'm gonna use you as my guinea pig. Stand in the middle of that circle."

Tom groaned. "So that's why you offered us a free spell. Why couldn't it have been Sparkelz, he has a sparklier butt." I glared at him as he dragged his feet to the centre of the circle.

Wag opened his book and placed it on an altar. He muttered some weird words and flung some yellow dust right onto Tom's face. I stifled a laugh, as he coughed and spluttered. The look on Wag's face was gleeful.

"I swear Waglington, if this does something bad you're in DEEP SHIT!" Tom coughed out as he was surrounded by pink bubbles. There was a flash of light, and - 

"Perfect." Wag said, and laughed as Tom glowered at him with looks that could kill. His suit had turned pink, and roses had sprouted all over his body and right on top of his head.

I would have been amused, but as I looked closely at the roses, they reminded me of something and my heart sank like a stone.

"Er Tom, Wag, it's been fun, but I've got to go now.." I said, looking at my boots. Tom looked confused. "But aren't we going to Booty Touches with Tucker and Sonja later?

I averted his eyes. "Nah, I'll pass.." I darted out of the room and used a teleportation spell that Wag had taught me a couple of weeks prior. I didn't often use it, because it drained a lot of my energy. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.


I locked up my vault. Locked all the doors, reset my combination so nobody could get in. There was a huge lump in my throat. I shut the trapdoor as I clambered down the ladder underneath my water source, where Tucker found my chest.

I know that it had been nearly 2 months, but I couldn't get my mind off Capsize. Seeing her being brutally murdered, right in front of me, made me come to my senses. The brutality of this world, the brutality of love.

I remembered the times we'd spent together. I wasn't a really romantic person in general, but I loved Capsize and only realised that when she was dead. There were subtle hints that I should have taken, but I was afraid.

"Sparkelz! Ya need to see this!"

Her chestnut brown hair billowed like a fan behind her in the wind as we ran through the forest, our feet catching on tree branches and rocks. She was tugging my arm excitedly, and I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

We came into a small plain that was empty of trees, that had a ray of sunlight that shone on the forest floor. It was littered with roses of many colours. It was beautiful.

Capsize smiled warmly at me as she picked a single red rose from the many sunset oranges, the yellows and pinks and handed it to me. "Jardon's Rose." she said laughingly and she held my hand. I felt so warm and peaceful; with the lingering scent of roses and my blue eyes gazing deeply into her chocolate brown ones. We moved closer and I kissed her with passion, our lips moving with sync and me breathing in her oceanic scent. I felt explosions of joy in my heart as she placed her arms around my neck, embracing me. It was pure bliss, spending my evenings here with her.

I didn't ever want this to change.

My eyes glossed over from that memory. I reached into the chest and pulled out the single red rose, its sweet scent pervading through the room. It had remained fresh and unwilted even over time.

"Jardon's Rose." I felt the words pass my lips but I didn't dare let the tears fall. I needed to get over her. I couldn't let every little reminder of her be a stimulant of my tears. Because if it stayed that way, I'd be tearing up everywhere. Her memory lived everywhere. In the rose, in my head, in that forest, in this world, and in my heart.

I would have been brooding for the rest of the day, alone on the cobblestone floor, if not for the fact that I had company.

Unwanted company.

I was frozen to the spot completely. It was as though my blood had turned to lead; I couldn't move or speak. Maybe because I was scared. Because you don't normally turn around to see a freaky flying pair of goggles staring right at you.

It looked like a normal pair of goggles, although slightly bigger. The frame was a glistening gold, it surrounded a large purple lens that had no eyes behind it. It had a brown strap that seemed to be wrapped around an invisible head, but I doubted that it was an invisible human because there were no potion particle effects.

For a while we just stared at each other, robot and sparkly human. A red light started blinking at the top and it disappeared, leaving me staring at empty space.

I'd seen many weird things in my life. I've seen a thousand anvils falling from the sky onto a pink house, pigs wearing hats, and blue-haired Tom with a flower on his head.

But I'd never seen anything as weird as that. Was I being watched?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Comment and vote if you liked :D have a cookie (::) -firenite

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