Chapter 9 - A New Alliance

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//Tom's POV//

Tucker asked Martha to follow him to his dojo to speak about 'something', but she refused, saying she wouldn't leave her blimp unattended in this world 'at this point'. Her flirting game was on point though.

"I'm so lucky to land in a place with such handsome men." she said, winking at Tucker and touching his helmet. "You have such big muscles!"

Tucker looked extremely uncomfortable. Jordan and I tried to suppress our laughter, but we sounded like we were choking on pebbles instead. Tucker glared at us, while Wag hovered awkwardly in the background.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Sonja seemed to materialise right beside Martha. "Excuse me? That's my boyfriend you've got your hands all over!"

Martha scowled, while Sonja crossed her arms saltily, looking a lot like Tucker. Damn. Drama in Mianite, as if there wasn't enough already.

"Okay, okay, we really need to talk now." Wag spoke up from behind me, being the voice of reason when all of us were acting like utter idiots. Sonja still looked sulky. "Come on, Tucker!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him off, flying into the air and disappearing with a pop.

"That's one problem gone." Martha said, suddenly losing her airy and light tone of voice, and sounding serious instead. "Thomas, can everyone here be trusted?"

Jordan looked confused. "What do you mean, Tom? I'm and Ianitee, we're on the same side. Are you hiding something from me?" He sounded slightly panicked.

Feeling slightly guilty, I looked to Martha, who gave me a curt nod. "Jordan, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier. But we're breaking out Farmer Steve. From the prison. I have a bunch of TNT, but you'll probably chicken out."

Jordan actually looked a little hurt. Well, I'm Tom. I hurt people's feelings on a daily basis goddamit.

"Can I be in it? Mianite's the bad guy now, isn't he? Ianitees and Dianitees need to team up on this."

"Teaming up with an Ianite? No way. If you join, Andor will probably want to join too. This is a Dianitee's mission." I said. Martha didn't look like she agreed with me, though. "Tom, I'll let you know, I'm an Ianitee and a Dianitee at the same time. Ianitees are trustworthy in this war. If you guys can't make an alliance, we need to call of this mission. We can't have our fighters disagreeing and causing a stir-up in our plans."

Tom looked shaken by this. He scowled after some thought. "Fine. But will Andor be in this too?"

Martha nodded again and Tom scowled even more. "And wizard, what team are you on?"

Wag looked very pink. "Um.. I follow Dianite and Ianite but I'm not a champion." Martha nodded again. "You're in on this too. We need as many people as possible to fight Mianite."

Martha looked at all of us with her purple eyes. I noticed that Jordan was having a really hard time looking at her. Maybe it was because she looked a lot like Ianite, but I realised that their eyes were exactly the same as Ianite's. A clear purple colour that seemed to sparkle, shaped like almonds. Jordan must be unnerved. It was like looking at his goddess again. The goddess that abandoned him, of course.

What did Jordan even see in her?

I didn't know if the rumours were true, but I'd heard that Sparklez and Ianite were really close, and she thought of him as Spark, her previous champion and lover from the alternate dimension. I hadn't really been involved in Sparklez's life ever since he refused to join Dianite. This led me to wonder why she really left.

"I must return to my airship now. Champions, discuss on how to take our next plan of action and stay out of the town. We can't have Mianitees knowing about our plans." With one last glance, she disappeared with a vwoop and a puff of purple smoke. Did she have ender powers just like Ianite? This was really weird.

"I'm just gonna go.." Sparklez spoke for the first time and pulled out an ender pearl. He, too, disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. What was up with people disappearing in purpley particles today?

No matter. Martha's arrival marked the start of something new. A new hope. And I had a job to do.

//Jordan's POV//

I'm confused. Why hadn't Tom let me in on the plan to break out Steve? And why did I care anyway? We were on different teams. That wasn't entirely true, though. I liked being with Tom. I liked his unkillable vibe, his smile, his laugh, and his occasionally hurtful comments didn't hurt much if you didn't take them to heart. Quite the opposite to the guy that I thought he was, he was capable of being a good friend. A better friend than Tucker ever was, I guess. He was capable of being an ally.

Anyway, I'd just let Tom do his thing. I didn't want to interfere. He might just explode if I made anything go wrong -


There was literally an explosion in the distance. I jumped, my sunglasses falling onto the spongy dirt as I felt the ground shake violently, causing me to lose my balance and tumble to the floor beside my glasses.

The explosions seemed to be coming from the town, and I instinctively transformed into a pig before running with my little pig legs towards the source of the explosions.

I ran through the gateway, not caring as the guards looked at me apprehensively, looks of suspicion on their faces.

"Oink. I'm just a pig!" I said. Well, my common sense didn't work very well when I was panicking. I shot off like a rocket past the iron golem guard before he could do anything. Well.

As I walked towards the jail where Farmer Steve had been trapped in, I detected a faint scent of smoke in the air, that gradually grew stronger and thickened as I approached the cave. I morphed back into my human form and approached the prison, apprehensive as I heard what sounded like.. crackling fire?

Another explosions shook the ground I was standing on, but I kept my balance. One more explosion, and the entrance of the cave blew open.

Bricks, cobblestone and other debris flew everywhere as I swore under my breath, shielding my arms from the blow. I didn't think I was injured as I had been behind another wall during the explosion, but the smell of smoke belching from the flames licking the walls of the prison was clouding my vision and my head. Slightly dizzy, I leant against the wall, before noticing a figure emerging from the flames, followed by another that was limping slightly.

It was Tom.

His blue hair was striking against the contrasting black smoke and orange flames, but the fire in his eyes rivalled those that tore down the walls. In one hand, he clutched a flint and steel, and in the other several sticks of TNT. Behind him stood Steve, looking slightly dishevelled and thin.

Tom was breaking out Steve. The big plan that he was talking about was real then! I see why he hadn't told me. I would have klutzed and ended blowing myself up.

I could feel the smoke entering my system, and I struggled to breathe. My mind was clouded; i could barely think, but as my vision grew faint, I heard the rapid footsteps on the pavement running towards me. "Sparklez!" Tom's gravelly and reassuring voice was familiar to me even in semi- consciousness.

As his calm brown eyes bore into mine, I felt a spark light in my heart, growing and warming me up from the inside. Tom put his arms around me, and for a fleeting second I felt safe.

Then I passed out.



Hi guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, I had lots of tests and stuff >_< Now that they're over, I should be able to update more! :D

Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked <3 have a cookie (::)


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