Chapter 7 - Tears

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//Tom's POV//

After Jordan left Wag's place so abruptly, I did a couple of more relevant spells with Wag before leaving. I was weirded out by Sparkelz leaving so suddenly, and he looked kind of disturbed, but I let him be. I stopped at his house to check on the dude. I'll say it, I'm starting to care about the sausage now. He seems pretty down lately.

I found his door locked though. I was tempted to bust it down.

Leave Glitter Lap alone for now, boyo.

Dianite was speaking to me. I nodded, backed away from Jordan's house and made my way back to my base.

I had a relatively normal day apart from my clothes turning pink and a rose sprouting from my head. I went mining and got a stack of diamonds, which I used to make and enchant some sick new gear. I grinded a couple of mobs too and made some new machines.

What happened earlier kept nagging at me, though. Jordan seemed pretty happy, laughing and all. He seemed more like his old self before that whole Ianite and Capsize thing messed him up.

I didn't know much about Jordan's past, but I remember collecting driftwood at the beach when I saw someone floating on the water's surface. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt and a black suit jacket. Most striking was his red sunglasses that had somehow managed to not get washed away by the current.

I didn't think he liked me that much, because he stuck around with Tucker more. Especially after Nadeshot betrayed him during a purge, he mistrusted me.

To be honest, I was kind of purgeturbed when Jordan cut himself off from me. He seemed like a pretty cool dude, who was smart, funny at times and a decent fighter.

I saw him grow closer to Capsize, I think they were lovers. He seemed really happy with her. But when we went on an Ianite rescue mission and she was brutally murdered, he was devastated. He was comforted by Ianite, but when Ianite left, he got pushed off the edge completely, not talking to anyone and locking himself up in his vault.

At that point, I was really tempted not to follow my god's instructions, and go and check on Jordan.

Not yet, boyo.

I groaned, sick of listening to other people and obeying instructions for a whole day. It was already night time, and moonlight flooded my room through the window. I remembered Booty Touches and Tucker, and decided to go there.

I teleported to the front of Tucker's house, where he was waiting expectantly. His face fell when he saw that Jordan was not with me, though.

"Where's Sparkelz?" he asked.

"He didn't want to come. We shouldn't force him if he doesn't want to."

Tucker looked apprehensive, like he wanted to say something. "Tom, we should talk for a while."

He opened the door into his house and we walked in. The blood magic altar was visible in the narrow slice of the room that I could see behind a door. Sonja didn't seem to be home.

"Tom, you probably know what's going on with Jordan, but things could get worse. Not just for Jordan, but for all of us." Tucker began. "Mianite knows that Ianite left. He'll do anything to get information out of Jordan, but he couldn't before because his lady was protecting him. As long as Jordan has faith in his God, he's safe from being brainwashed by Mianite. I'm no expert, but I can sense that Jordan is losing his faith. He's depressed because of everything happening, and he's weakening. One disturbance in the balance in this world and Mianite could get the information he wants."

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