Chapter 5 - Slow Reaction

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//Tom's POV//

Jordan harps on and on about his reactor. Well, I can't say it's his fault because I asked for this in the first place. As he droned on about the usage of yellorium, the materials needed to make the casing and the generated power per tick, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into a mental slumber. Like I was standing, but literally sleeping soundly in my mind.

When I doze off mentally like this, I start to notice weird and random things in my surroundings that normal Tom wouldn't bat an eyelash to. So as time passed, I noticed that Jordan's voice goes up and down and random intervals. Not the kind that sounded pubescent, or forced. It's like his voice was naturally like that. Naturally funny-sounding if he said the right words at the right time. The sunlight hit his brown hair at an angle, causing it to look tangled but an even lighter brown, the colour of chestnut brown or the trunk of redwood trees.

Trees. Apple trees. Farmer Steve.

Farmer Steve has been imprisoned by that asshole Mianite, but lately I'd been making plans to break him out. A separate chest, hidden deep and well concealed in my vault, contained countless stacks of freshly made TNT, gunpowder from the butts of creepers, lighters, flint and steel, and a jewelled apple. For no particular reason, just luck I suppose.

I can tell that Mianite's up to no good. I mean, it was pretty obvious that Dianite's death had something to do with him. Ianite's disappearance, too, was definitely not because of Dianite. Who else was powerful enough to imprison the Goddess Of Balance? Knowing that Steve being an Ianite/Dianite follower made him vital to our mission and dangerous to Mianite's.

I'm breaking him out soon, but not yet. It's super top secret. No one knows about this, except for me and maybe Martha, his girlfriend.

Why does everyone here have a girlfriend?

Comforted by the fact that Wag and Sparkelz don't have girlfriends either, I've reached the stage when my mind sleep affects my whole body and I'm about to fall asleep when -

"TOM! Were you even listening?" Sparkelz looked irritated but amused at the same time. "You sausage! Can't you pay attention for once?"

"Did you just call me a sausage?"

Jordan looked like he'd just awoken from a horrifying nightmare. "Processed meat frightens me.. Since when did I call people that?" I try my best to stifle my laughter, but it comes out as pig snorts that irritate Sparkelz still further.

Sparkelz was about to open his mouth to speak, but the King Of Salt himself appeared in front of us, decked out in his shiny, gleaming armor. In his hand, he clutched a rapier, with a gradient of blue to white on the very sharpened tip.

"Hey friends! Do you guys want to come to Booty Touches for a party tonight? Okay? See you there! Bye!" Tucker spoke so quickly that my small brain can't register it, but neither Sparkelz nor I could answer before the saltshaker disappeared in a cloud of white smoke, not even getting an answer.

Booty Touches was the nightclub that Tucker and Sonja had built a couple of months ago, and I'd been there a few times. It was pretty fancy. I didn't think Jordan had been, though.

"That means we need to go, I suppose." I said to Jordan, who was standing motionless behind me. He was creeping me out slightly, to be honest. "SPARKLYPANTS ANSWER ME."

The derp was gazing at his reactors, probably calculating some math crap in his head. Slow reaction much?

Impatient, I tugged at his sunglasses, trying to pull them off his face. This brought the sausage to his senses, but he didn't look as amused as I was.

Jordan and I decided to go strip mining after that, because my brain, if I had one, couldn't take all the science and math and all that crap that Sparkelz understands so easily. I grabbed my enchanted pickaxe out of my bag. It had Unbreaking III on it, which was kind of a rip-off for thirty levels. Sparkelz had an Efficiency III, Fortune II pickaxe, though. Shame that his vault is so horribly secure.

We decided to have a race for who could find a diamond first. Jordan immediately became enthusiastic and ran in front of me. His blue eyes sparkle when he's excited.

We mined down the strip mine at top speed. Sparkelz kept on laughing, talking and making horrible puns. He seemed to be happier than I'd ever seen him. Honestly, I was having fun too. Hanging out with him wasn't such a waste of time after all, I guess.

//??? POV//

"They are ready, my lord."

I smiled. Finally, after so long developing these, they could finally be released and used to my will. I stood up, the bottom of my cloak brushing my ankles and dragging across the marble floor of my castle as I began to walk, following Gaines as he led the way.

The engineering room was warm and humid, with heat that seemed to be hanging suspended in the air. I could barely hear Gaines speak over the whirring of machines, the clanging of metal, and the occasional hiss of fire from a lava pit.

"When shall I release them, master?"

"When I say so."

He walked me to the far end of the room where an iron door stood. He punched in a combination at the side of the door, and the door swung open.

I grinned broadly, as shelves upon shelves of the developed machinery stood in front of me. They towered above me, but each piece was identical and exactly as I had hoped for it to be.

"Facial recognition, invisibility function, flight to unlimited altitude, teleportation, and it's able to transfer information directly to you after collecting it. Self-defense mechanisms." Gaines explained lengthily. "Are those sufficient, my lord?"

"Yes. May I see a test flight?"

Gaines grabbed one of the items off the shelf and pushed a button on its side. It immediately suspended itself in the air completely motionless as though waiting for orders.

I ran my weathered fingers over the gold trimmings, and the purple lens. It was rather small, but it was sufficient to fulfil my orders.

I looked to Gaines, who said, "It responds to your request, my lord."

I looked at the robot. "Give me information about the one named Sparkelz." Immediately, a red light flashed on the frame as it flew out of the open window.

"May I ask, my lord, what is the purpose of you spying on those in the Realm of Mianite?"

My eyes narrowed. "Do not question my motives, Gaines."

Gaines nodded and left the room. I smiled crookedly, gazing at the open window where my Observation Bot had just exited through.


Hello! Hoped you enjoyed the chapter :D Don't worry, the syndisparkelz action will come soon ;-) Remember to vote if you liked and comment down below! I love reading your comments <3 - firenite

Have a cookie! (::)

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