Chapter 2 - A Break in The Balance

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//Jordan's POV//

For a few awkward moments, me and Tucker were just staring at each other.

I could clearly see what he had been doing. He had been reading Ianite's letter to me. He knew what was going on.

I whipped out my diamond sword. Tucker looked at me, too stunned to retaliate or arm himself.

"Jordan, look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to see that letter. Just let me go and -"

I held my diamond sword to his throat. It's purge day, so it doesn't really matter if I kill him because respawn is enabled. The saltshaker looks up at me, sorrow and guilt evident in his eyes. Was that pity? Did he pity me because my goddess abandoned me? Was he guilty for going through my personal items and invading my privacy?

Well, he should be.

"You will not tell anybody what you saw." I said with a new harshness in my voice that made Tucker's eyebrows travel up his forehead. "If you do, you'll be sorry."

I raised my sword.

II_JERICHO_II was slain by CaptainSparklez


I know that I'd gone against my promise to not participate in the purge or get any kills, but I was mad. Really mad. He didn't understand. This nagging feeling had been eating at me for days.

Lady Ianite was a huge part of me. After Capsize was slain by Furia, she supported me. I was loyal to my goddess and did everything i could to retain the balance. To keep her happy.

Then she started to falter. She talked to me less and less, stopped meeting me at my reactor and lost her cheerful and happy aura. I saw her change. That one fateful day when I was in the basement of my Fortress of Fury, she broke the news to me - that she was leaving. She handed me the book and disappeared.

She has gone to find Spark. Her Spark, her lover who was precious to her. More precious than me. I knew I was selfish and it wasn't fair for me to think that way. But I couldn't deny that I wanted someone, no matter who, to love me and for me to love back. I didn't love her in a romantic way, but she made me happy.

I collected Tucker's stuff off the ground. Well, it was enchanted armor and weapons, plus a decent amount of potions. I couldn't say no to free stuff, anyway. I stuffed the items into my full chest of unused valuables. I hadn't been out much lately, I couldn't deny it.

I missed the times we spent. When we went to Booty Touches and spent the whole night there. Celebrating Tom's birthday at Dine At Nite. Teaming up during the purge and competing for kills...

My heart was a void. I wanted those times to return. But they couldn't. Not without Ianite. Not without Capsize...

I collapsed on my bed. I didn't care if they triple- teamed me and stole everything in my vault. I felt so useless and empty anyway. Like I had lost my sparkle.

//Tom's POV//

A cannon boomed in the distance and my communicator beeps. The purge has ended! I hadn't gotten much loot though. Tucker had been slain by Jordan a few minutes ago. Sonja was at her house, having given up on strip mining after I followed and killed her. Jordan had been invisible the whole purge...

Frankly, I was kinda worried about Sparklez.

He'd been a bit off colour recently. He used to be irritating as hell, following me around as I played pranks on Tucker and Sonja. But after a while he started to grow on me, and his nerdy machines became more interesting, his lame puns became more funny and I started to appreciate his company. I mean, me being a Dianitee and him being an Ianitee made everything ten times harder, but Jordan didn't seem to mind. He treats everyone equally.

But now he keeps to himself. He coops himself in his vault all day, alone, not conversing with us on the communicators or following us on adventures. And this may be crazy coming from Tom Syndicate, but maybe I'm starting to miss him.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that Tucker has to yell "TOM!!" before I answer over the communicator. I punched the reply button.

Then I realise that Tucker was calling me from outside my door, not over teamspeak. Typical.

Tucker burst into my house. He looks flustered, with his lame cap lopsided and his sand- colored hair sticking up in all directions. "Tom, we need to talk. It's about Jordan."

At the mention of Jordan's name, my heart leapt. I let Tucker in and realised that Sonja was there too. Both of them look worried. Tucker doesn't even look the slightest bit salty after dying and losing his stuff, which is even more worrying.

Tucker took a deep breath. "I'm not giving all the details but.. while trying to raid Sparkelz's vault, I found out that Ianite left. Like, she's disappeared. I don't know for how long, but I think that this is what's causing Jordan to be like this."

I stared transfixed at Tucker. This explained it. However, it seems so unlikely for Ianite to abandon her follower just like that. "Does she have a reason for leaving?" I asked.

"She mentioned that she's weakening. But another reason is that she went to find her lover, or Jordan's alternate, Spark."

I didn't know what to say. I looked at Sonja and let her speak.

"Maybe Jordan's lonely? He lost Capsize after she was murdered, now he's lost Ianite... and he talks about that little slime Jerry who despawned or something." Sonja said as Tucker nodded. "I think that we shouldn't expect him to come to us if he's so depressed. We need to approach him before this gets out of hand. He needs some company, at least."

Sonja and Tucker both look at me. I frown and shake my head. "I don't have time for that."

"Yes you do." says Tucker. "I swear to God, if Jordan snaps because of you you're in for it. I mean it."

Something about the lack of salt in his voice makes him sound even more serious.

"Fine." I agree reluctantly. "I'll keep Sparkly-dick company." Satisfied, Tucker and Sonja turn to leave, telling me to update about Jordan's condition after meeting him.

What have I gotten myself into?

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