Chapter 8 - Martha's Arrival

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Chapter 8 - Martha's Arrival

//Jordan's POV//

I didn't tell Tom about the weird, flying robot thing, because something told me that he wouldn't believe it. Not many people see robots stalking them, do they? Maybe, it was just some mob that got into my house somehow.

I was really touched about what Tom had said, though. He's my friend? I never thought I had friends on this island, but maybe that's because I kept to myself a lot. I didn't consider Tucker a friend but more of an ally.

When I arrived on the island I was thoroughly impressed by the magnificent builds, especially Tucker's which sported a cool modern look with its birch walls and quartz pillars. I like the combination of colours and particularly the birch wood used to build the bulk of the house. I built a house of my own using spruce, birch and quartz, but Tucker called me a copycat, much to my dismay.

"Couldn't you use some other material Sparklez? Were you a copycat in the world you came from, too?"

Him mentioning the world I'd come from confused me. I could remember a giant treehouse that I built in dedication to Jerry, a baby slime that I was fond of that had despawned, tragically. It was a really nice tree, with thick towering branches, steps that wounds around the trunk and vines that spiralled down to the grass that was dotted with flowers of many colours. There was also a viewing deck that had a spectacular view across of the vast forest that spread for miles in every direction.

Those days, it was peaceful. Either than my numerous animal friends, I lived alone in my tree, spending my days building machines, poring over books and maps, mining minerals in the deepest recesses of the world and exploring new lands. It wasn't until I returned home from a mining expedition, flying in my rocket suit, when things took a turn for the worst.

I intended to go to the Twilight Forest to gather some items, but it started to rain heavily so I decided to abandon the trip for that day. As I landed on the viewing deck of Jerry's Tree in a cloud of smoke, I heard shuffling footsteps that gradually increased in speed.

On instinct, I pulled out my sword, the shiny blade catching the light of the torches that hung all around the tree. I looked up and saw a black figure standing in front of me.

It was a humanoid, but I doubted it was human. It was encased in some kind of thick black mesh, but its most distinct feature was its glowing yellow eyes that were fixed on me, glowing cruelly in the semi- darkness. He raised his sword and swung towards me.

There was clang of metal against metal as our swords met in battle. I managed to block his lightning- fast attacks, but he managed to force me into an unsheltered area.

Sparks flew from my suit as it was flooded with the heavy rain. As it started to smoke, warning bells started sounding in my head and I immediately morphed into a bat and flew behind this obnoxious intruder, before turning back into myself again. I wasn't going to let this intruder kill me, or get my tree, whatever he intended.

My heart sank like a stone as my abandoned suit burst into flames, which spread quickly to the wood of my tree.

Oh yeah. My tree is made of wood, goddamit.

A wave of fury washed over me and I lashed at the creature's arms, causing dark red blood to squirt, missing my face by inches. The creature fell to the ground, defeated, but as I raised my sword for a final blow, I heard a snapping sound. The wood that attached my deck to the tree had burnt to ashes. As the branch snapped, I fell through the air and into the large lake at the foot of my tree. Dazed, the last thing I saw was my beloved tree with my monument to my Jerry bursting into flames.

Syndisparklez : A New BalanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora