The Curse Begins

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Chapter 2

After a short while. . . "AAAHHH!!"

"What?!" I woke from my sleep by hearing the loud scream of father. "Father. . .?" I got up and woke Terra up. I shook her arm, "Terra! Wake up!" she rubbed her eyes. "What? What is it Aya? Why are you yelling all of the sudden?" Terra asked. Don't tell me. . . she didn't hear father's screaming just now?! It was heard all the way here! "Wha-- Didn't you hear just now?! Father screamed!" I was panicking. I don't know what to do. Father needs help! His scream sounded like something was trying to get him! "What?! Something must've happened!"

"I know! We gotta go and help him!"


We rushed outside then ran across the hallway. Again, We saw a flash. The light suddenly went out for a second then came back. Terra and I stopped running. Blood suddenly splattered on the wall and floor. Another flash. Terra and I stepped back. We heard voices. Something's coming. . . and another flash. We stepped back farther by seeing two monsters covered in blood right in front of us. I quickly grabbed Terra's hand out of fright.

Just when I was about to collapse on the floor, I heard a voice call out to me and Terra. "This way!" the voice yelled. "What? Is someone there?" Terra asked. "Hurry! This way!" the voice called out again. 

I couldn't move. I'm so scared. Terra dragged me to follow the voice. I snapped out of my frozen state. I ran with Terra. 

We paused. We saw a blonde boy. Apparently, he's the one calling out to us. He said, "This way. . ." in a rather soft voice. I couldn't make out a word he said cause his voice's so soft. How come he could shout just now? The boy yelled as he turned around, "I said this way!"

We took steps back. His eye. . . his right eye is missing! His eye was just gouged out! 

I ran back, scared. Terra called out to me, "Aya wait!" but I didn't listen. I continued running. I again, saw the two monsters in blood. I screamed, "Nyahh!" then I ran back to my room. I shut the door, locked it, then leaned on it. I can hear the voices of those monsters outside. 

I saw a man in a black suit in front of the bookshelf. The man said, "Many interesting books you have here. Do you like reading, my dear?" I panicked and said, "Who are you?!" the man stood in the center of the room and took off his hat. He said, "No need to be so aggressive. I am merely a salesman."

"A salesman?"

"Call me Ogre. I hope to get to know you young lady." he paused for a while then continued, "But it's quite troublesome. . . To think that corpses loiter around the house."

"Corpses. . .? You mean those monsters back there? They were like monsters from a story. Why would monsters like that. . . loiter around the house. . .?"

"Well, it's a curse. What you saw just now were corpses of your father's test subjects. Overcome with anger, those deceased have been brought to life by the power of a curse. To take revenge on your father. . . of course."

"What?! So father is in danger? I have to save him!"

"Why is that?"

I snapped anger with his question. What kind of question is that?!

"Why wou-- He is my father! I love him just as much as I love my mother!"

Then I dashed out of my room. The two corpses just now are gone. I can't find any traces of them. It's good to know. 

Where do I even start? "Terra, what do you--" I stopped for a moment. I just had a terrible realization: Terra's gone! Oh no! What if those corpses got her?! I ran back to the hallway where I saw the blonde boy with no right eye. 

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