Chapter 6: To Father

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I hear Terra shouting out my name. I struggle to open my open my eyes. I can't do it. Why do my eyelids feel so heavy. Why so? 

"Her eyelids were moving just now."

Who is that? A boy? Who--? Doesn't matter. I can't even move my own body. I feel like I'm paralyzed. What actually happened when I was unconscious? I wanna wake up. How long will it take for me and Terra to save father?! Ugh. . .My patience is wearing thin. Must wake up. . .

A flash broke and I was able to open up my eyes and move my body again. What just happened?

"Aya! Thank goodness! I was so worried!" yelled Terra as she hug me. Where did she go when I fainted? The boy beside her is. . .the boy with the gouged eye. I gasp in shock.

"Don't worry. I'm your ally." said the boy. 

"Yes. He's the one I told you about when you found me." said Terra.

Oh, I forgot about that. Well, I can stand and walk again, so we'd better get going. The boy's gouged part of his eye is covered with bandages now.

"I apologize earlier. My appearance must've frightened you." he said.

"I understand. I was so scared before I didn't know what to do."

I stood up and said, "Let's go. We gotta find father." Terra stood up next and she said, "And mother." then the boy.

"My name is Dio. I'm glad I found the both of you."

"My name is Aya. Thank you."

We headed off.

We went back to the room where the crying girl's cry is loudest. Dio also came with us to accompany us. The more the merrier, I guess. I found a metal door. The girl must be inside this room. I tried to open the door but it's locked from the inside. I suddenly heard the girl say, "MY EYES. . .THAT MAN STOLE MY EYES!!"

"Eyes?" I said. I grabbed the bottle with eyeballs in it from my skirt pocket. There are two blue eyes in it. This must be hers. "I have some eyes here. Are these yours?"

No response.

"How can I get this to the girl?" I asked myself.

"Aya, Aya, the fireplace in the reception room!" Terra yelled.

Yes, that's right! I heard her crying from there. The fireplace must lead to her room! I told Dio to stay with Terra there while I go to the reception room. It was bold of me to say so. But Terra'll encounter corpses along the way and I feel she's still unstable about it, so it's safe for her to stay there.

I ran and ran until I got to the entrance hall. *pant, pant* I certainly ran a long way. Went across the hall to the south-west room to the reception room. 

I went inside the fireplace. It's quite tight in here it's a good thing I can fit. I can hear the crying echoing from here. I knew it.

I dropped the bottle with eyeballs in it. The crying stopped.

So this does lead to her room. I could go through here but, it's too small for me to fit in and what if the girl's not nice? No choice, I headed back the long way around.

I found my way back to Terra and Dio. They're both sitting on the side of the girl's room. 

"I'm back!" I yelled.

I explain to them what I did with the bottle of eyeballs. 

"I see. So that's how the crying stopped. Good job." said Dio.


I heard the door opening. I wonder what the girl looks like.

Oh? She's so beautiful! Her eyes really match her! 

Mad Father (fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon