Chapter 5: Strange Things Happen

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We went forward. When we got out, we found ourselves in the open room at the south-east side of the entrance hall. "Hey Aya. . ." said Terra. Her voice is a bit hoarse. She must've been scared to death.

"What is it?"

"Let's go to the attic. . .We might find something there. . ." her voice is also getting soft. She can't speak properly.

"Okay let's go."

I took her hand then proceeded to the east hall to the attic. This is where Terra and I found the boy with the gouged out eye. That sure scared me. It's all worth it to save Terra and father. 

"Wait, Terra, Maria's room. I have the key."

"Okay. Let's go. . ."

We headed to Maria's room. It's north-west of the archives room. I used to room key to open the door. We might find something there. It's a very small room with a bed and a bookshelf. I look at the bookshelf. Something dropped. Oh! It's Maria's diary. . .

"Terra. . ." I said. 

"We might find something. . .Go ahead and read it."


I opened her diary and started reading it.

"I will never forget that day. The day when you saved me from hunger and death. You made me your assistant. You took care of me. You gave me love. You made me needed. . .I love you, doctor. . ."

That was just a paragraph and I understood everything. We never knew anything about Maria at all. I understand why she loves father but. . .

I put back her diary then proceeded to the attic.

We got in the attic. It's quite dark but I can still see. The light in the attic is not good so the light's flickering. We went up the ladder.

"A-Aya. . .There's something inside that pot. . ." she pointed to the left. I saw a large pot in the middle of the room. I looked in. There is something inside. But I can't reach it. The pot's too big. I'll have to drop it from here. It's too big and heavy to tilt. Someone might get hurt. Even though there's only the two of us here now. "Terra, help me push this."

"Okay. . ."

We pushed the pot to the end of the room behind and let it fall. We went down the ladder to see what was in the pot. "What the--?!" I almost yelled cause a small chainsaw was inside it.

"Aya don't play with that. . ." Terra said. I almost giggled about it cause. . .

"Oh yeah, how nostalgic." I said while picking up the small chainsaw. 

"Aya, be careful with that. . ."

"I know. Don't worry."

This must remind her of something she saw while I was gone. And this. . .reminds me of the time when father scolded me for playing with this. . .

I was in the garden, swinging around the chainsaw. Seemed like fun cause I like to play with stuff when I was a kid. Father came up and yelled, "Aya! Stop playing with that and put it down!"

I got scared and dropped the chainsaw. "I'm sorry. . ." I said.

"Aya! Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry father. . ."

"I thought this was placed somewhere out of your reach," he paused for a while, looking at the chainsaw on the ground then continued, "where on Earth did you find--"

"I'm so sorry. . .I didn't mean to. . ."

"Oh well. . .It's good that you're alright."

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