Chapter 8: How It All Ends

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We ran and ran until we've found a place to hide. While running, we saw Maria lying on the ground. She's waking up. ". . .Ugh. . .Was I. . . .returned?" that's right. She was also with us in Another World.

"MARIA! DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE!" father's caught up! We easily ran past Maria cause she just woke up from being unconscious. I bet they're after us now.

We got to another corpse room. But this time, it's smaller. We saw two beds without a corpse, so we lied down there and covered ourselves with the bloodied blanket.


"I could've sworn I just saw them run here."


Looks like they haven't found us. Good. Seems like they're arguing of our whereabouts.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm s-sure they haven't gone far."


We were hearing chainsaw cut through something. We got more scared. We gotta keep our tears in. We gotta stay quiet at all costs. 

Then, we heard footsteps. The sound is fading. We can be safe. For now.

Ugh. . . . . .What a terrible sight. Maria's lying on the ground. There's so much blood. What awful wounds on her. Was must father be so desperate. . .

"Is there anything in that shelf that we could use?" asked Terra.

"I think so. Let me check." I went to the shelf on the top right corner of the room.

I moved some jars to look for something. Ah, bandages. It's all there is.

I went to Maria. Terra helped me wrap her wounds.

"There, this should stop the bleeding." I said.

"Why must you be so kind to me. . .? After what I did to. . ." asked Maria. Even though she loves father, We can't leave her here to rot and die. She didn't mean to do any bad things. We all just hated her because father spends more time with her than with his family. And worst of all, she fell in love with a married man with a wife and two daughters. That is, our father.

"Don't worry, Maria. . ." said Terra.

I said, "We've been abandoned by father. Let's get out of here together." 

"Mistress. . ."

A moment of silence to think this through. If we don't get out of here soon, father'll get us. Not to mention those corpses that are still loitering around the house. 

"Yes," Maria struggles to get up but she can't. Her wounds are too deep.

"I'm sorry but could I have your shoulder mistresses?" asked Maria.

"Of course. Let's go."

We guided Maria in walking. We went back then turned right.

Maria fell on the floor. "Maria, come on, get up." Terra said as we help her get up and walk.

"No, I'm too weak now. Just go on." she said.

"Maria. . ."

"Just go and get out of here quick."

"Aya, let's go."

We then, headed off without Maria. I feel bad for leaving her behind. Her body couldn't take the pain anymore so she gave up.

We got to the church room.

Terra tripped and fell. "Ouch!"

"Terra are you--"

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