Chapter 1: My Only Regret

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This story is based in Korea, the Joseon dynasty. I apologise in advance for any inaccurate historical elements to this story. Also I do not speak Korean, so there might be inaccurate translation of names and places. In this story the characters are technically speaking Korean, so the characters names will be in Korean, but I will mention the English translation for their names. Please vote, comment and follow.

Chapter 1

I've done many things in my life, that I have never regretted, so why should I start now. Or maybe it would be more reasonable if I did regret getting myself killed...


"Scarlet, you have to run and hide! Do you understand me?" My mother screamed over the thundering sound of the Royal guard. I was numb to her request, my body refused to move or react to her pushing me out of the window. "Mother" I pleaded one last time, as I fell to the rough, brown ground. "Go!" She cried one last time, before shutting the window and leaving me alone.

The sound of my mothers scream, made me jump of the ground. "Where is she?" A deep voice boomed, which seemed echoed outside if the small house. Suddenly, I was overcome with a deafening silence, until the smell of blood washed over my senses. Tears welled up and spilled over, I couldn't stop the sobs that took over my frail body.

"Find the girl!" The same voice boomed with a bit of smugness in his voice. I bolted away from the house I once called home, and ran towards the forest known as the forest of death.

The forest I entered was oak-brown and primitive. The grasses I ran on was crackly beneath my feet because of the recent dry spell. I was in awe of the size and majesty of the trees. Their knotted arms rose ever upwards, as far as my head could lift. They were hoary fortresses and stood proudly.

The orchestra of footsteps got louder behind me, but then it suddenly stopped. A pair of majestic birds was screeching high up in the canopy of the trees. The birds cruel, corvid eyes watched my every move, like there were hunting me. How could such frail creatures have the arrogance to hunt an huntress.

I wondered around the forest for hours, till the morning stars peeped down at me like silver asters, glinting and shimmering. They looked happy in their solar-silver isolation. A dark figure in the sunrise captured my attention. The simpering wind blew past the figure and towards me, it carried  a fragrance with it. It was an intoxicating smell. My mouth started to salivate.

I made my way towards the dark figure, in the distance. It was just a black figure, but I still couldn't control myself. I attacked the appetising thing.

As the blood flowed, it came down in tears of red, dripping down my jaw and the feeling of it, hot and tingly against my neck. It was ecstasy as it spilled non-voluntarily down and down. The taste of it was fragile and infamous against my eager tongue, rasping down my throat like momentous pleasures. Unlike the usual effect, i became crazy with it, driven mad by the feelings of delirious fantasies, and then the moment ended.

A sharp pain against my pale throat, brought me back to reality. There was was no black figure near me, but instead I was surrounded by the Royal guard. And a silver sword was against my throat. The figure was nothing but a dream, a fantasy.

A guard suddenly grabbed my hand, cracking my frail bones that are ridden with age,  in his grip, as I attempted to push the blade away from my bare neck. I gasped for breath, as he loomed over me. With his other hand he tugged my hair out of the way, to create a clear view of my neck. The blade was repositioned, and I hissed as the sword tore me skin open.

Another guard ran up to the one holding a sword to me neck, who I am assuming is the leader. "Sir, this is the girl", he exclaimed formally. A smug smirk overcame the swordsman features.

My only regret is my existence, how can a vile creature like me even exist. My regret is living...

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