Chapter 6: Bloodlust

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3rd person POV

The cold night rain trailed down her pale cheeks, creating the effect of the tears she so desperately wished she had the ability to release. Raven-colored strands of hair hung limply down her back, plastered to her skin as the light drizzle turned suddenly into a downpour. She dragged his limp body towards the dark, isolated room.

The last remnants of lilac faded away from the edges of the iris of her own empty gaze, but it seemed to have fled to the body lying prone on the ground at her feet. Slowly, as if torturing her with the knowledge of what she has done, to the idiotic King. One of her elegant, pale hands came up to touch her lips. They were still covered in the blood she had taken. A sound of pained grunting brought her attention back to the ground.

She needed to find something for him to eat, or he'll go in a rampage. That would not be good. A elderly palace maid caught her attention, as she fumbled with her bed sheets, to get them out of the downpour. She creeped up to her, and yanked her into the shadows.

The man had awakened. His appearance, however, had altered. Now, stark-white hair and a red-hued gaze stared back at her. That look won't last long. He looked up at her in confusion and wonder. His eyes over taken by Lust and hunger. She did what she had to do, she handed him the sobbing maid. She became his first meal.

Scarlet POV

Her body dropped to the ground, she looked like a dried up prune. The Kings eyes lingered on her for a second before his scarlet eyes met mine. He took a deep breath, his white hair turned black and his scarlet eyes began to turn back to brown.

I was speechless, his childish aura seemed to disappear in an instant as he walked towards me. He had the aura of a King. A King I saved, willing-fully.

He froze, as if he was going say something. His hand reached towards her, but he quickly pulled it back to his side. With a silent glance, he left.

Leaving me alone, in the dark room which smells like death. I despise that smell. I gathered my red skirt in my hands, and made my way towards the exit. Leaving the body to rot.

I can't have a palace full of my devoted Chevaliers. The King is already too much for me to handle alone. He will become a powerful one, and he will resist the natural instincts and urges with it.

Days began to turn into weeks, I am isolated within a busy palace. My only companions, are my palace maids Nari and Jeong. I haven't even seen the King, only shadows of his figure that linger around my Pavilion. He's attempting to resist seeing me. He's going to slowly kill himself.

He will begin to experience bloodlust. Coming from someone whose very existence evolves around it, it's a addictive but deadly sensation.

Your body begins to tremble, all calm thoughts suddenly disappear. You are overcome by violent, uncontrolled thoughts. It takes centuries to grasp some kind of control. He'll want to feast everyday.

You go in a violent like trace full of rage and lust. When you come out if blood lust, it's like the mind clears and you become pure. But I will never be pure, never have been.

"My lady, the King has requested to see you", Nari announced suddenly from my entrance way. "Now?" I question.

"Now." She confirms with a solemn face. This does not look good.

"We need to make you presentable, my lady," Jeong states getting up from her seat, "you can't go in your sleepwear".

I stood outside his Royal Hallway, wearing a simple red hanbok. I could smell the spilled blood inside, it's a lot of blood. He finally lost control, I shouldn't be surprised.

His personal Eunuch announced my entrance, I opened the decorated wooden doors. The scent of blood overpowered all of my senses, I staggered a bit. I quickly closed the door behind me, after regaining my bearings. I don't need rumours to spread.

"Juhong" his voice was quiet, yet it seem to takeover the whole room full of dead bodies. "Are these just from today?" I questioned, gesturing to the dead Palace Maids and Eunuchs.

A short nod, confirmed my suspicions. It's time to gain some control over him. I don't usually leave my Chevaliers alone, especially when they are newly awakened. But these are complicated circumstances.

A young girl dropped from his grasp, in front of his throne. He wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand. His eyes vibrant red eyes, stood out against the white hair. It was almost blinding.

"You've could've at least attempted to hold yourself back," I exclaimed, "You wouldn't have been suffering from hunger that much to drink from all of these people".

He shrugged, still eyeing off the girl at his feet. He leaned down to grab her. In a second I was in front of him, throwing him to the ground. He looked up in surprise, his lips parted in awe. I have that affect on people, especially my Chevaliers.

I've got no choice now. He must be detained and control must be enforced. His bloodlust makes mine only stronger and the control is beginning to slip. Chevaliers are much more appetising then humans.

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