Chapter 4: Control

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Death is an experience that I fear I will never experience. To finally get a rest from living this exhausting existence that only involves running and hiding.

When I woke, he was above me, the temptation to bite him sent excruciating pains of hunger in my body. I must learn to keep in control, it's the only way to survive and escape this place. With that mind set, here I am.

In my very long existence, I have experienced and seen many things, but I must admit this is a first. Being held captive in such a luxurious place for such an absurd reason.

I've been brought to this palace because the King enjoys my 'enchanting looks', and because of that my mother is dead. I didn't expect her to die for such idiotic reasons. And for that I will never forgive this selfish King.

He made me a lower Rank 5 Court Lady, and I'm expected to directly serve the King. Most people would class me as an almost Concubine. It honestly is repulsive.

I was expected to wear vibrant red hanbok, because the King thinks my own blood surrounding my body, made my beauty look more appealing. He is one sick man.

"Court lady Juhong, his majesty wishes to see you", Kwan states with a look of disgust on his face. The leader of the Royal Guard, wants me dead but that's not going to happen cause I'm the Kings new play thing.

My two appointed palace servants, Nari and Jeong, followed me eagerly to catch a glimpse of their admirable King.

It's a long walk, to the Royal grand hall from my small Pavilion, where I'm expected to just act pretty and do nothing. Ever since I woke up and recovered from the stab wound, I've been forced to be his little Doll.

"You ought to be more thankful to me for saving your life and giving you a better place in society", the King exclaimed arrogantly from his throne once again. "I owe you my life, sire", my blood boiled with agitation.

I honestly didn't know it was possible to hate someone, with all your existence. When their voice is heard, you fill up with so much rage that you could cry. Now I know that it actually is possible.

I need to find a way out of this palace. My body has lost so much blood, that I honestly won't be able to control myself soon.

"Juhong", him saying my Korean name sends tingles and shivers throughout my body. I could feel his breath at the back of my neck. It almost felt comforting, yet scary having him so close to the vulnerable scarred skin on my neck. When did he get up from that throne of his?

"At sunset, you are to be ready for me", he said with flick of his hand, as he made his way back to his throne. I shivered, a feeling overcame me which I can't even begin to describe. I am definitely losing control.

I slowly walked out of the Grand Hall, his scent slowly began to fade away. I halted, by ready for home does he mean..... Oh God. With a urgency in my step, I rushed out of the Grand Hall.

The palace is a stunning place, with pavilions, grand walkways and majestic gardens. But the palace is surrounded by a 3 meter high wall, which is heavily guarded. I won't be able to jump over it, without being seen. There is no way, that l be able to escape before the sunsets. I'm doomed.

I spent the day in a haze, staring blankly out of my room's window. Nari and Jeong, stood out of the way, waiting quietly for my next command. As the sun shifted more towards the West, directly into my eyes, the girls dragged me away from the window. It was time to get ready.

I sat before an elegant mirror, surrounded by small delicate bowls of makeup and jewellery. Nari watched as Jeong applied my make up. I was to be dressed boldly. Dark lips with black liner, no Blush but bold red lips.

Nari turned my flat hair, into a sculpture defying gravity. It honestly really hurts the head. I was rushed into my sheer but bold red Hanbok. We made our way thought the Palace, towards the king's quarters.

I sucked in a shaky breath, feeling my throat constrict. Panic rose like bile in my body. I suddenly didn't know how to speak. Or walk. I just stood blankly, staring up at the terror before me. My palms were clammy, and it was all I could do not to knot my fingers together. "Sire." I managed, the word rolling out of my mouth like tumbleweed.

"You're beauty challenges the blood eclipse," he exclaimed with a proud but nervous smirk on his face. Why does he look so unsure of himself?

He began to make his way closer to me, I froze when he sat on the bed. "You are mine now," he whispered as he lent towards my neck, while he began to undo the jacket of my Hanbok. Harsh breaths of anxiety escaped my pale lips.

He kissed ne harshly, while i stayed frozen in his grasp. He wanted it to be real, but i couldn't join in the fantasy. He wrapped both arms around me, hoping that with time, I'd  come around and feel the same way. But i wasn't buying it, all she could think of were the bitter memories of blood.

Blood. My heart started to pound erratically.

"Juhong." His whisper was soft against my skin. The king's lips were brushing against the hollow of my throat. Temptation consumed me. All I could think about was that he belonged to me now, me and no one else.

When our lips met again, the kiss was different—lustful, almost desperate. The King and I were breathing faster, not able to speak. Nothing in the world existed except him and the thrumming deep inside me, the one that insisted he was mine, mine, mine.

My mind was clouded by his scent, almost like I couldn't think at all; there was only my body and what it demanded from me. I knew what I had to do, even if I couldn't imagine it yet. I knew.

I need to regain control. The control is slowly slipping. I needed him, all of him, now.

I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips softly to his lips, his chin, and his neck. I could see his pulse throbbing just beneath the skin, and then the hunger was too much to hold back.

I bit into His pale throat, hard. I heard him gasp in pain and shock, but in that moment the blood rushed over my tongue. The thick metallic taste of it spread through me like fire, burning my insides.

I swallowed, and the feel of Royal blood in my mouth was richer than anything else I'd ever known.
The King struggled and tried to push away from me, but he was already weak. As he began to slump backward, I caught him in my arms so that I could keep drinking deeply. I felt as though I were drawing his soul into me along with his blood.

I gasped and let Him go. He fell graceful to the satin bed, with a soft thump. The wide gash my teeth had left in his throat was dark and wet in the moonlight, glistening like melted iron. I lost control.

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