Chapter 7: Blood Keeps Flowing

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3rd Person

To him human blood is like a fragrant alcohol. It makes him intoxicated. But his blood is also fragrant to humans. It makes them unable to escape. Little do they know that it is hell.

As blood flowed, it came down in tears of red, dripping down his jaw and the feeling of it, hot and tingly against his neck. It was ecstasy as it spilled non-voluntarily down and down. The taste of it was fragile and infamous against his tongue, rasping down his throat like momentous pleasures. Unlike the usual effect, he became crazy with it, driven mad by the feelings of delirious fantasies.

She was one of his fantasies, but yet she was untouchable. His body refused to damage or harm her in any way. She was someone he must keep safe.

As she threw him into the wall, he was in awe of her sheer strength. But he was still so hungry. "You're own stupidity, will cause havoc in the palace," she chided. He was speechless, her voice was strong and calm. It overpowered him, in some strange way. He was King, he was not meant to feel this way.

"You're a King, even though you're a spoilt brat, you should at least know some self discipline and be discrete," she shook her head in disappointment.

"Cheli, come out," she called out into the shadows.

A tall women stepped out of the shadows. The moon reflected off her flawless white skin, it blinded him. Her ruby red hair and forest green eyes, intrigued him. He's never seen someone like her before. Her thick red lips scowled at him, but her eyes merely glanced and dismissed him. But he could still make out the rage in her eyes.

"My lady, how can I be of assistance?" The girl questioned while bowing down to Juhong.

"Clean up this mess," she gestured to the room full of bloody bodies. Within a second Juhong was holding up the King by his collar, and dragged him out of the room.

Cheli couldn't resist a snarl in his direction. She would've killed him if Juhong hadn't ordered otherwise. He murdered her creator, her only reason for living. Now she must continue her last and only request; to take care of her daughter.

Scarlet's POV

I drag him out of the bloodbath, which he created. A mess, I really don't want to fix. His recklessness and lack of control, needs to be fixed.

"You better stop touching me, you little whore," he growled his eyes still glowing red. His arm escaped my grasp and he pushed me to the ground. Rage filled me.

I stand up slowly, and my arms tremble. Soe Cheol, darn him. Thinking of me like I'm his to control. I'm the one who controls him. He is my precession.

Rage boils inside my heart, and I clench my hands, nails digging into my skin. The King takes a step towards me. I hold my ground. I see it in his eyes, he means harm. I feel my blood pounding in my ears, and my jaws clamp shut.

He takes another step. My eyes begin to burn. Control was never my strong suit.

I unleash my fury, and my arm pulls back, my lips drawing back into a snarl as I bring my fist down on him; hard enough to draw blood. But it really isn't his blood flowing in his veins, it's his victims. His body can no longer produce his own blood, that's why he, we, must feed regularly.

And I don't know why, but hitting him gave me a cold joy, a cruel, merciless mirth. I hit him again. And again, I saw my knuckles breaking his skin. He fell back, and I wiped his blood off my hands, disgusted with it.

He whimpers slightly in the ground, submission seeping into him. He has now fully completed the process, his Chevalier instincts are fully set in now. He has no excuses for disobeying me.

I've had and still have many chevaliers but never one like him. But yet again, I've never had male Chevalier.

"Stand up," I demand, tiredness seeping into my bones. He staggered slightly, but I can already see the bruises fading. He's a strong one.

After a few seconds of being unsteady on his feet, he steady himself. His arrogance of a King had returned. And so has his tempting scent.

Blood... it made my existence. The luscious blood so warm and creamy on my tongue. The scent is like a garden of roses and addicting like cocaine. I want his blood. I've never wanted a person's blood this bad before.

I don't drink blood of the exoticness and pleasure it creates, almost erotic. I only drink it for survival. But he makes me crave something more.

My soul craves to devour, no become one with his. I quickly walked in the moon-illuminated richness of the night, alone and away from him. I'll let Cherry or should I say Cheli, deal with him.

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