Chapter 2: The Abyss

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All of a sudden I felt another intense piercing pain shooting up my neck. He dug the sword in deeper. The world seems in hyperdrive as adrenaline pulsates through my veins with loud booms, every sound is magnified to a countless number. I couldn't breathe, my vision clouding. There are coloured shapes flashing above my face as my attacker stares at me with cold-blooded eyes, not a flinch of guilt passes those cold grey eyes, I almost see the twisted pleasure radiating off his skin. What does he gain by killing me?

The pain is making me gasp and stagger for breaths, that my body is unable to catch. As I collapse out of my sitting position, the sword is dragged down my neck and out of my body. I feel as if million scolding iron needles are scalding my neck, pulsating across my body in tsunami waves of agony.

The precious scarlet liquid fills my lung, and I choke on it and cough it up, staining my white hanbok. Darkness fades into my vision, until I'm in a black abyss. A voice invades the abyss, but I can't catch it. I'm too deep in.

The abyss is becoming lighter, almost the shade of scarlet. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I'm alive? My body is numb, and I struggled to get my eyes open and emerge from the brightening abyss. With a final ounce of strength, my eyes flutter open. I lay still for a moment, regaining my strength.

I'm in a dark place, surrounded by glittering objects that reflect the stray ray of sunlight in the dark room. I was in an elegant room, surrounded by traditional Korean ornaments and artefacts.

Where am I? The bandage around my throat added a sense of comfort and protection to my situation, as I was only wearing my undergarments, which were stained with my scarlet blood.

How am I going to escape without getting killed? That leader of the Royal guard was very persistent in trying to end my existence, so why am I still alive.

Confusion seeped and swirled in my mind. He should've just killed me, it would've made everything much simpler for the world. I've spent so long running and hiding, I just want to have an eternal rest.

Suddenly, the sliding doors abruptly opened, a man entered into the room. Upon his arrival, I felt my heart begin to race. My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his neat black hair tied up, down to his majestic clothes of red silk. The closer he came, the better I could view him.

His eyes cold, a range of harsh colours. Reminding me of a smoking charcoal. Lilac bags hung under them, ageing him quite a bit, but he couldn't be much older than me nonetheless. Seeing him stand proud and full of authority, made me crumble inside.

I took a deep breath to calm my self, inhaling his smokey intoxicatingly scent. Naturally, I found myself nearly salivating on the powerful scent. However, thin stern lips prevented that and instead it transformed the night into one I would not want to forget any time soon.

His imperfect beauty out shine my once vibrant looks. My hair is a rich shade of brown. It flows straight down my back, lying flat against my small pale face. My eyes are a vibrant shade of brown, almost golden, and small pale lips.

"Who are you?" I question out loud without meaning to, gazing into his eyes. His guard pulls out a sword and threatens, "How dare you straighten your neck and look, his majesty, in the eyes!" Is he the iron King, Soe Cheol?

My head snaps down, my neck starts to ache. Iron chains prevent me from soothing my neck, in order to get rid of the increasing pain. Did the wound reopen?

"Get the Royal Physician!" A dulcet tone embraces the air like the evening perfume of night flowers.

A warm, strong hand embraces my cheek, lifting my head up. His dark onyx eyes seem to examine my neck. His alluring face is so close to mine. I might lose control because of this blood lost.

I yanked my head out of his hand, attempting to gain some distance from me and his blood. I fall back onto the soft bed, my eyes shut close for a moment, then I'm sucked back into the abyss.

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