Chapter 8: Forever

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Forever is all I have and happy moments fade rather quickly. But yet again happiness in my life was pretty non-existence. Bitter sweet memories, and forgotten promises were only left behind.

Right now he is my reality, and a nuisance.  He uses his authority, to lock me away in the Pavilion. Even though I could escape whenever I wanted but I've decided to stay low. So instead Cheli is observing him for me, luckily there have been no more blood massacre.

"My lady, I beg of you to eat your meals," Nari begs, "I assure you that the meals aren't poisoned. I personally staple them."

"The King is entering," a familiar voice announced. It's the leader of the Riyal guard, Kwan. Annoyance and hatred rises to the surface. I seriously hate this bastard.

I hastily stand up, smoothing down my black skirt, the colour of charcoal. "Your Majesty," I say awkwardly with a slight bow.

"Everyone leave," he commands arrogantly with a wave of his hand. My palace maids hurriedly leave, Kwan lingers for a second.

He sits down, I follow, my skirt creates a barrier between him and I. "Our paths crossing is not a coincident," he states.

My eyebrow arches in annoyance, "I know that, you murdered my mother to bring me to the Palace."

"It's not just that, I knew what you are before you bit me". My head snaps up in surprise. That's impossible, no one knows what I am except my family, who are long dead and non-dead.

"How?" I question.

"You'll find out eventually," he says with a smirk. This King is seriously pissing me off.

"Do you know what you are?" I question. His smirk disappears. It's my turn to smirk now. "You're a Chevalier. It means knight from another land, it also means you're my servant".

His lips deepen into a frustrated frown. "I'm nobodies servant. I'm this countries King!" He roars, reaching to grab me. I dodge him, he doesn't even look surprise, only frustrated.

"I recommend that you restrain yourself from killing so many people at once, you're gonna draw attention to yourself."

"You should stop threatening, I'm more powerful then you," he said arrogantly with another one of his smirks.

"I'm the one who is truly more powerful then you servant. You should learn your place. You're not in a different world now."

The rims of his eyes began to bleed red and his roots streaked white. "Cheli!" I yelled as he began to inch towards me.

She appeared in an instance, grabbing the King by the shoulder he held him away from me. "My lady, I suggest you do it now while I have him restrained," she uttered.

I stood up slowly, trying not to step on my skirt. His fully white hair has become loose from his bun, his gold hair piece, fell to the ground. He struggled in Cheli's grip, attempting to reach me.

I reached into my hair, pulling out my dagger disguised as a flower ornament. I've got no choice now, I hate wasting blood. My hand wrapped around the blade, slicing deeply into my palm.

I opened my hand, a pool of blood in my palm. I stepped in front of the King and grabbed his hair. His eyes met mine, he has the most peculiar red eyes. I've never seen eyes so bewitching.

I touched a pressure point in his neck, his mouth gasped open in pain. I shoved my palm into his open lips. He jerked slightly when the blood met his tongue.

He began to spasm and jerk around in Cheli's grip. He went limp and she let go. He fell to the floor. Guilt swelled inside me, but he left me with no choice. I now have full control over him. He can no longer defy me.

Chevalier are dangerous creatures and if they go rogue, the lose all control. This country needs a King, even though this is not my country I shall help it. After all forever is a long time doing absolutely nothing.

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