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Dick Grayson (Nightwing) age 16

Jason Todd (Robin) age 11

Tim Drake (Training) age 10

Damian Wayne age 2

Faith Mihers ((OC)Mocking Jay) age 15

Mount Justice 6:40pm October 31st

"Team report to mission room," Batman orders. The team (except Robin) went to the mission room. "This is a rescue mission you five w- "Five who's not going" Kid Flash interrupted." Robin will not be going on this mission because- "You sent me on a wild goose chase, "Robin also interrupted."I did it because I had to" Batman replied. "He's my only family and I can rescue him by myself!" Robin shouted. "You really don't care if anything happen to him and it's Nightwing" Nightwing said turning around heading toward the zeta tube and before leaving turning his face to glare at the Team and Batman then left. "RECOGNIZE ROBIN B-01" Batman turned to the Team and commanded, "Follow him and do not put his life at risk. Do you understand?" each member of the Team nodded "yes".

45 minutes later

Gotham City 7:25pm

"Team we are approaching Gotham" Miss Martian said and lands bioship. The team gets out of the ship, walks into an alley and all of a sudden they see an outline of two shadowy figures. Who came from the shadows first was a girl dressed in a black jumpsuit, black high boots, black gloves, and a dark blue utility. A bird like symbol was on her chest, with a dark blue mask. The second figure to come out was a boy probably no older than 10 wearing a black suit with a red bird symbol on his chest, and a black mask. "So you are my brother's ..... friends"Robin said. "Who are you and who is this 'brother' you speak?" Aqualad asked. "That's not important" He said while glaring at the team. "Wait are you Rob's brother than aren't you the one who was kidnapped," Kid Flash. "No" the other 'hero' said. "And you are..." KF asked. "I am Mocking Jay, a close friend of Nightwing." She said. "The one knowing who was kidnapped is none of your business." Robin  said as if spiting venom. "Why are you here?" Mocking Jay asked. "We are here to help Rob--Nightwing Aqualad replies. "Well, he's my brother and he doesn't need help!" Robin argued. "If he doesn't need help then why are you here?!" Kid Flash snapped back. Before Redwing could say anything they heard fighting...

Nightwing's P.O.V.

'Now's my chance' I think to myself. 'My plan can finally started and finished but I only wish it wouldn't be today.' "I'm ready" I told myself as I enter the warehouse which will be the last known place I could be located till it happens. There was Deathstorke his back facing me and then he spoke, "Well, well you found me Nightwing. Good." At that second 20 other assassins appeared from the shadows. "Attack," Deathstroke order them. Each charging at their target; me. 'I really hope this isn't the end' I thought to myself. Then out of no where the Team, Mocking Jay and Robin came charging through the doors. 'Oh no'

No One's P.O.V

The team came in to find Robin alone fighting 20 men. "Miss Martian link up," Aqualad order. 'Everyone is linked' she thought. 'Nightwing we are here to help' Aqualad said though the link. 'I don't need help but if you insist' nightwing said wearily. 'Dude what were you thinking; comin alone.' KF said angrily. 'This something I had to alone *sigh* you'll understand one day.' 'What are you talking about?'The Team and Robin fought off the assassins and Nightwing and Mocking Jay fighting Deathstorke. During the fighting Mocking Jay was knocked unconscious and when Robin thought the team didn't need his help anymore so he could go help Nightwing, it happen. Deathstorke picked up Damian and sliced his cheek as a threat. "Don't *sigh* kill me instead of him and never harm my family again." Nightwing said knowing it would the first step to completing his plan. For a moment Deathstroke thought, then said, Alright but remove your weapons." Nightwing nodded and took off all his weapons. Deathstroke amined for the bid's heart but the boy spoke,"Before you kill me will let me at least one minute with him." "Fine but make it quick," he replied. he tossed over Damian( the one who was kidnapped). Nightwing caught him, held him in his arms and whispered to him,"I'm sorry I won't be watch you grow to be a great hero but i'll see you soon. Your my little bird and i love you. Little D please smile for me." While telling him this he slip three flash drives in the baby's blankets. "Good-bye," he said slowing placing him in a box. He stood against the wall. "Anymore last words boy blunder." It was then Nightwing meet Robin's eyes glaring at him not to move. Looking back at Deathstroke he said,"I might die but Robin will never die. Do your worst." He did... BANG. "NO!" Mocking Jay screamed after regaining conciseness, the Team to shocked to know what to do and Robin running to his brother's side and picking up his and held it. Tears rolling down his cheeks and choking on sobs he try to tell Robin,"Your're gonna be o-okay". Blood spilling out of his mouth,squeezing Robin's hand, he nods to Mocking Jay who gently takes off his mask and he becomes Dick Grayson. Weakly he speaks to Robin,"I'm sorry j-j-Jason. Y-you were w-wrong I'm the b-blunder y-you'r-re the w-wonder. Take care of y-your brothers.'' giving him a weak smile "no dick please i need my big brother." Jason trys to convine him. Dick realises his hold on jason and wipes aways his brother's tears and touches his cheek. a soft smile is left on his face. His hand drops, his eyes close and welcome darkness and light. Dick Grayson was no more. jason continues crying. He feels a hand on his shoulder. it was Mocking Jay. he heard a cry. A baby's cry; Damian's cry. he went over to the box which held his youngest brother. He carefully picked him up and saw two silent and sad tears roll down Damian's cheeks (yes his cheek is still bleeding)''Happy Birthday Demon" Jason whispered. Jason is left speechless and can only think that he and his brothers will have to grow up without their savior but what is unknown to him and the world (except Faith). In six years time he will get his brother back.

One Month later

mount justice November 31st 10:42am

It had been a month seen the death of their boy wonder. The team was left depressed and hallow without their little brother. It was then something incredible happen. "Recognize Robin B-07," the computer announced. Quickly the team ran to the zeta tubes. There stood a familiar boy in Robin's suit most likely no older then 10 years old. "You're not Robin." Wally said firmly. "I know I'm not Robin, he was my brother, but I'm going to try my best to be Robin seen he always wanted me to be him," the new boy wonder said sadly. "Have we meet before?" Kaldur asked. "Yeah, we meet the night he..." he replied not able to finish. Kaldur nodded. " Here" he said handing a flash drive made for the team. "If anything happened to him he wanted me to give this to you." The young boy said. Kaldur took the flash drive and insert it to a computer and the video started. Robin came up in his civvies and he spoke, "By the time you are watching this I am most likely dead and never had a chance to tell you who I am and what I'm really like." He took off his dark glasses and, "I am Dick Grayson, Robin the Boy wonder, protégé of the dark knight, the last survivor of the Flying Graysons, ward of Bruce Wayne...." He went telling them everything about himself at the end he said something very interesting. "You will meet a boy who will call himself Robin he is but can not be Robin for long he must become his own hero. Please lead him on that path and also anyone else who trys to follow my steps . That is all I have to say to you. Except that you are the greatest friends a guy could have. Robin out." The video ended. "He didn't want me to become Robin?" the second Robin said shocked. "No but truly he only wanted the best for you and always know he shall be here with you in sprit." Kaldur said in a soft voice. For the first time in what felt like forever everyone had a bit of hope inside of them.

For His Little Bird#WATTYS2017Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя