The Love Fairy

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My names Finis Rosado and my life is ordinary, or well atleast it use to be until some weird fairy showed up in my room one day... WAIT FAIRY!!

"WHAT THE HELL, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!", the fairy simply tilted her head while the boy was just shocked she then replied with,"that's a very interesting question, but I thought by now you would already know how reproduction happens"
"what that's not what I meant, I mean how did you get in my room!"
"Oh, well why didn't you just say so silly, my names Yukki and I'm here to help with your love life, also I'm a fairy and it's my mission to help you get a lover", she stuck out her hand for the boy to shake and he hesitated a bit, but soon shook the fairy's hand
"My names Finis but people just call me Finny"
"Well then Finny now that you trust me-" WHO SAID I TRUST YOU" shush, anyways tell me your type so we can get started" type?" Don't tell you don't have a type, it's a simple question do you like Boys or Girls or maybe your in it for both" WHAT!?" Come on Finny your not making my job any easier" uh, well um, hmm" are you sexually confused?"what no, it's just, um, I've never gotten that question" so your into boys, ooh, some yaoi never killed anyone"what no, um, I just, I'm into girls, yeah"aww, it's either you change your sex and make it yuri or you become hot for guys and make it yaoi" what the hell, no" aww, but Yukki likes yaoi and yuri, come on Finny it'll hurt just a bit, but you can do it"oh my, no just, ugh, can we talk tomorrow" fine I'll wake you up when you have to go to school".

Finny walks to his bed but notices that Yukki doesn't move from the spot she's in."um, are you gonna leave or what"I'm not allowed to, and anyways I was gonna watch some anime on your computer"but, my parents are gonna hear" I'll be as quiet as a fly" whatever, why aren't you allowed to leave?"because, getting you a lover is my mission and I can't leave until you get atleast one boyfriend or girlfriend"okay then, goodnight"sweet dreams".

~The Morning~

Yukki walks up to Finny's bed and wakes him, and if your wondering what Yukki just watched, she watched "My Little Monster". She shakes Finny a bit to wake him and all he does is roll over, she suddenly gets a mischievous smirk, she gets an ice cube and puts it down his shirt and in seconds he's up trying to get the ice cube out of his shirt, and all the while the fairy's cracking up. The ice cube then goes into his boxers and falls through and lands on the ground, Finny then glares at the laughing fairy, she looks up at him and wipes the tears in her eyes."I'm sorry but that was hilarious"whatever". Finny walks into the bathroom and does the normal he gets dressed and says bye to his mom and starts walking to school, Yukki follows behind him."so no one can see you but me?"pretty much, your technocly the one I need to get a lover"a lover meaning"boyfriend/girlfriend, you know a date"ok, and why me exactly"listen no offense but, your personality and looks ain't getting you no date, so I'm here to help, and let's just face the facts you were probably gonna spend the rest of your life lonely"that's not all true, my personality is something and my looks will get me someone, and I wasn't always gonna plan on being lonely"well anyways, I'm a love fairy, and as said in the name, I'm here to help you with your love troubles"and how exactly?"well, I'll just tell you how to get along with people first off, and then I'll teach you how to get out of the friend zone"well then, I guess it's basically like controlling my social life"oh, you have one?"WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!"just saying, your kinda what I like to call, 'socially awkward', or maybe you have social anxiety"I do not, I just don't know how to start a conversation"exactly, how many friends have you had"umm, none..."wow, your sad"your not making it any better"whatever, I just need to see what I'm working with here".

~During Class~

"Okay class who can tell me the answer to question eight", no one but Finny raises there hand
"Anyone besides Finny, he's answered almost every question", a kid sitting in the back then shouts, 'it's because he's a nerd', the whole class then starts laughing and the teacher tells them to quiet down and Finny speaks up saying, 'well atleast I have better grades then some idiot in the back of the class, your mother must be soo disappointed'. The kid then gets up and balls his hands up into fist and punches the palm of his other hand and walks up to Finny's desk, 'what'd you just say, you little bastard', but while walking up to Finny another boy trips him on purpose, 'oops'. He falls to the ground and the whole classroom fills with laughter, and before the teacher yells at them the last bell rings and all the students run out but before the three students who caused the big scene leave, the teacher calls them over and talks to them."okay here's, the thing, first off calling Finny a nerd was unnecessary and a compliment, and Finny good comeback but let's try not to get anyone's mom involved into this, and as for you mister 'oops' means you tripped him on purpose so atleast make it seem like you did it by accident, your dismissed". I have no idea what's wrong with their
teach, anyways back to walking simulator. All three of them leave, the boy who started it runs out of the school, while the boy who helped Finny just walks at a normal pace, and Finny does to and let's not forget YUKKI."you got one cool teacher, ooh and a secret admirer"what do you mean?"that boy in front of you"oh you mean, Casper"ooh, and you already know his name"yeah, well that's what you learn when you pay attention to the role call"hmm, maybe he's into you"what, no I told you I'm into 'girls'" yeah yeah, I've heard it abillion times, but come on, atleast talk to him"fine... what do I say, what do I talk about anyways"just walk up to him and say thanks and then introduce yourself"uh, ok, and if that goes bad"then may god have mercy on your soul".

He took a deep breath and picked up his pace to catch up with Casper, when he finally made it, Casper simply glanced at him  and took out one of his earbuds,"yes?"um, well I just wanted to thank you for what happend back there"no problem, he got what he deserved and hey it's better to be called a nerd then an idiot"I guess your right"although I don't think nerd fits you"oh, then what does?"more of 'genius'"really, I don't think I deserve that title"I think you do"well I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep that title then"whatever, well bye, see you tomorrow"okay bye".

Finny filled with new found confidence and also smiling like an idiot, didn't notice Yukki happend to have a mischievous face.

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