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Today I have school, oh boy this is gonna be awkward, no kidding...

All night Finny was unable to sleep because of a certain fairy, Yukki was talking and squealing two things she's best at but she was talking rather loudly and her squeals were ear piercing. Finny woke up and saw that for the first time ever Yukki was sleeping but for some reason she had blood coming out of her nose, he then realized she probably just fainted because once he walked out the door, a little creak woke her up and she was back to her energetic self.

~Le Time Skip To Class~

Finny walked into class and saw Casper sitting in the chair next to his usual seat. Yukki usually just hung out in the back or just floated above the class, Finny sat in his seat and Casper looked up at him, there was a bit of awkward silence until Casper broke the silence."soo, about yesterday", Finny then got a little worried,'maybe he didn't like the kiss, I'm screwed if he didn't'. Finny then spoke up as well,"um, yeah, yesterday was fun...", Casper scratched the back of his neck and looked at Finny who was looking at the board, Casper then wrote something on a piece of paper and passed it to Finny. He took the paper and looked at Casper for a second and then read what the paper said...

~I need to talk to you about something, meet me by the school gates, obviously after school~

He put the paper in his pocket and continued to pay attention to the lesson, Yukki was picking up on the awkward vibe in the room and looked at the two boys responsible for it, she looked at Finny and glared and then she looked at Casper who was thinking about something. She then brushed it off and thought about other 'things'.

~After School~

Finny walked out of school and saw Casper waiting for him at the gates and so he proceeded to walk up to him slowly. Yukki wanted to shove him over there, but it would kinda look creepy, because no one could see her. Once he finally made it there Casper dragged him somewhere, where no one could see them, in an alleyway, Finny gets pushed up against the wall and Casper stares down at him with both his arms at the sides of Finny's head. Finny looks up at Casper, and Casper leans down and kisses Finny, Finny's shocked at first but then kisses Casper back. After awhile, Casper turns around and puts his hand out for Finny to hold. They walk home together hand in hand, and its silent for awhile until Finny breaks the silence, "soo, does that mean, you didn't hate the kiss I gave you yesterday", Casper slaps the back of Finny's head but not to hard and replies with, "what do you think, I kissed you for the fun of it, geez". Finny rubs the back of his head and says,"sorry, um, just one more, probably obvious question"okay sure what is it", Finny looks down at his feet and mumbles,"does that kiss mean, you know, that we're... together"I don't know, I guess". Once they make it to Finny's house, Casper doesn't let go of Finny's hand, and just looks down, Finny speaks up and says,"um, Casper, I have to go now", Casper then pulls Finny in for a hug and holds him close to his chest."I, don't want to leave..." Finny thinks for a few seconds and then comes up with something. Finny looks up at Casper with an excited expression,"why don't you stay the night!". Yukki was shocked, she thought 'maybe he doesn't know what he just said'.

Casper gladly accepted, and they both walked up to Finny's room. While Finny's in the bathroom doing the usual, Yukki whispers in his ear."soo, Finis, so you plan on doing it, I kinda saw you as the uke in the story not the seme", Finny was confused until he realized what she was talking about and he shook his head,"aww, come on kid, you gotta do it at some point right?, I mean where's he gonna sleep tonight?". Finny suddenly realized he let Casper stay over but, he never figured out where Casper was gonna sleep, he thought about it for awhile and then whispered to Yukki,"I'll just make sure nothing like that happens, and I found a lover right, aren't you supposed to leave or something". Yukki starts yawning and says,"well, this relationship is boring, you gotta spice it up, and until you do it with your lover then I'll leave". Finny was shocked, and then looked down at his feet, and shook his head, and Yukki looked at him and said in a serious tone,"do you not want to 'do it' with Casper is that it?". Finny shook his head as he looked at Yukki with a worried face, and then he looked back down at his feet and mumbled,"is it painful?". Yukki was holding back her laughter, Finny glared at her for doing so, she then said,"um, well, I mean, maybe at first, but you'll get over the pain". Finny's eyes widened when Yukki said that, and then a knock came at the bathroom door and Finny looked up and said,"yes?", and Casper then replied from the other side of the door,"um, where am I sleeping tonight?", Finny's face went red as he answered,"um, your gonna be sleeping with me, t-tonight". Casper then opened the door and looked at red faced Finis, and put both his hands on Finny's shoulders and peered into his face, and then whispered into Finny's ear,"are you sure you want to sleep with me tonight, in the same bed". Finny's face then turned more red then it already was, while Yukki was having a nosebleed. Finny then stuttered a bit before replying,"um, uh, y-yes?". Casper said still whispering in Finny's,"is that a question, or do you mean it"I-i mean it". Casper then looked at Finny and gave him a light kiss and went back into Finny's room, Yukki then blew up,"OH MY GOD! FINNY YOU BETTER DO IT WITH CASPER IF NOT I WILL COME BACK TO YOU AND BOTHER YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!". Finny told Yukki to calm down and he then walked into his room wearing his usual loose shirt and his boxers, and he almost died when he saw Casper, who wasn't wearing a shirt, Finny was actually about to have a nosebleed himself but held it in. Finny's face was red as he stared at Casper, and Casper noticed Finny staring and his face turned red as well, and he spoke up,"um, Finny, what is it?", Finny then looked up at Casper's face and replied,"oh, um, well I was gonna go to bed". Casper walked up to Finny and dragged him over to the bed and they both laid down and Casper pulled Finny close to him and Finny quickly fell asleep and so did Casper. Yukki watched as they fell asleep but sadly she had to leave, after all she did find Finny a lover and he's happy, so she left a note where she knew he would find it and so she left.

Authors note:
Don't worry this is not the end of the chapter, Yukki will be back, I promise

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