Does He Even Like Guys

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So now I'm super confused with my life, well we all know one thing that's obvious you like guys, ...

The next day Finny woke up and got ready and walk downstairs, when he was about to walk out the door he realized there was no school today. He walked back into his room put his bag down on his bed and got changed into his comfy clothes, and dived into his bed, Yukki just stared at him confused."you seriously thought you had school today", he then turned to Yukki and he had a scary look on his face and a creepy aura around him,"YOU KNEW I DIDNT HAVE SCHOOL TODAY YET YOU LET ME GET DRESSED TO GO!?"um, yeah?", he just gave her 'I'm really tired of this bullshit'. She then walked up to him and got on her knees and peered at his face, he took notice of this and and gave her a grumpy look, she then backed up and spoke up,"so, wanna set up a date with Cassy", he was confused at first thinking
'who the hell is Cassy', when he realized that she was talking about Casper, his face turned a shade of pink and he shoved his face into his blanket."so what are we gonna do kid, hurry up and decide", he then looked at her and mumbled,"does he even like guys".

"Who knows maybe he'll make an exception", she smirked when she said that and Finny's face became red, knowing what she meant
"no he wouldn't, he's probably into girls", he looked down at the floor
Yukki hated the way Finny was sad, so she then came up with a plan
"Hey, don't be down, I got an idea"
Finny looked up at her and said with a pouting face and hope in his eyes,"really?"
She then stood up from the chair she was sitting in and puts her hands to her waist and her chest out, and her chin up looking at the ceiling she said in a DETERMINED voice,"I DO HAVE A BRILLIANT IDEA! AND IM SURE IT WILL WORK".

Yukki's Plan:
Step 1: Have Finny ask Casper if he wanted to study at his house
Step 2: make sure Finny acts extra adorable, and while there chatting, which they normally do, Finny would ask,'hey Casper are you into anyone'
Step 3: if he says 'no' then that's when Finny would ask,'do you like guys or girls'
Step 3: if he says 'yes' then, if Yukki's learned anything from "Future Diary" then we find out who he likes and then kill the bitch, and then senpai would finally marry Finny... Nah, I'm just joking, no I'm not...
Step 4: look back at the first Step 3, now if he says he's into guys then Finny may have a chance
Step 4: if he says he's into girls then well, we'll make change his mind
Happy End: Finny and Casper have some hot, steamy, smexy- woah woah, I never agreed to that, fine fine, atleast make out or something, maybe...
Bad End: I end up stuck with this loser the rest of my life...

The Next Day...

"Okay Finny you remember what to say right", Yukki and Finny were currently in the process of going over the plan again, all Finny had to do was to call Casper if he wanted to come over.
"Yeah, yeah I remember what to say", Finny calls Casper, and after several rings he picks up.

~Le Phone Call~

Casper: hello?
Finny: oh, hey Casper just wanted to ask you something...
Okay, sure what's up
So I was thinking, um do you wanna study today?
I think I'll pass, but you know what, I was just gonna spend all day locked up in my room, sleeping or playing some video games, but how bout you and I go hangout or something
Yukki: wow, this guys very straight forward
Uh, uh, sure um where do you wanna meet at?
Hmm, meet me at the water fountain in the shopping district... at somewhere around maybe 5 or 5:30
Um, okay I'll meet you there
Okay see ya then.

~End Of Le Phone Call~

Finny hangs up and turns to see the very happy Yukki, she then start sqealing like that day she a read doujin (don't know if I spelled that right) about Eren x Levi. She then started rummaging through Finny's closet for the perfect clothes, preferably cute clothes for him to wear, because somewhere in her thoughts she pictured this.
Uke= Finny= submissive
Seme= Casper= dominant

After she picked Finny's clothes, he took a shower and got dressed, when he got out he checked the time and saw that it was 5:20, he then rushed out the door and started running to the spot they had to meet at. Yukki followed behind him, and started thinking about 'stuff'.

When They Get There...

Finny makes it to the fountain, and he runs right in front of Casper, who's just looking at Finny trying to catch his breath. Finny then stood up straight and looked at Casper his red eyes meeting with Casper's blue ones. They stared at each other for awhile before Finny looked away and spoke up,"um, soo, what are we gonna do", Casper still staring, he finally replies,"oh yeah, um, how bout we just do some window shopping first and if you like anything or stores then we'll go in, and I heard there was some sort of amusement park around here". Casper stops staring at Finny and starts walking and Finny follows behind him, even though they were in a different setting from where Yukki originally planned for things to go out, Finny could still ask those questions.

So, while they were talking, Yukki noticed that Finny wasn't bringing up the questions, so she leaned in and whispered in Finny's ear."hey, loverboy, don't you think you should bring up those 'questions', remember the plan", Finny then remembered the plan they had and just came out with it. Finny casually asked, "soo, Casper are you, you know dating anyone or maybe interested in anyone?", Finny turned to Casper, and Casper simply said,"nope.", Yukki then whispered the next question to Finny and he then asked again,"soo, what's you type?", Casper got a little curious as to why Finny was asking these questions, but he just brushed off any suspicion,"what do you mean 'type'", Finny then stared at the ground and mumbled,"um, I mean are you into girls or guys?", Casper then stopped, and Finny stopped as well."Finny, what's this about?", Finny then didn't know what to say, he can't just say,'oh well here's the thing, there's this fairy named Yukki and she's trying to get me a lover oh and she made me fall in love with you'. Finny stuttered a bit and finally came up with something,"um, well, I just wanted to know, I mean we are friends aren't we", Yukki faced palmed, she wanted to slap this boy so badly. Casper then continued walking, and Finny followed, Casper answered the question,"I guess, I'd have to say girls, but depends, I mean I could make exceptions". Casper smirked when he said this looking over at Finny, who on the other hand was as red as a cherry, Yukki was a squealing mess.

~Time Skip: Cause I'm Lazy Like That~

It was now, 7:32, and Finny and Casper were still walking around, but this time they were walking around in amusement park that Casper pointed out. They were chatting the usual, walking around and Casper was eager to go on every ride, Finny was okay with that but he didn't want it to go overboard. Finny has a bad memory from this amusement park, when he was 8 years old, he and his mother came here and Finny ate to much and when he went on the rides he would throw up everytime. Casper on the other hand had the best memories here, when he was 9, him and his family went here and had the best time ever, they won tons of prizes and they all ended up carrying tons of stuffed toys. "Hey, Finny wanna go on the Ferris wheel?", Finny then got weird thoughts and started to daze out thinking of all the things that could happen on that ride, but soon snapped out of it when he felt Casper dragging him over to the ride.

~Le Other Time Skip: I'm Sorry~

Nothing really happend on the Ferris wheel, and now Finny and Casper are walking back home, and Yukki's a bit mixed between excited and upset, upset because nothing happend on the Ferris Wheel, and excited because they could end the night with some hot, steamy, smexy, boy on boy time tonight. Once Finny got to his house he turned to Casper and did a slight bow and thanked him,"thanks for the fun"no problem"um, but can I ask you something"sure, what's up"why exactly did you ask me to hangout with you today?"well, it's mainly because you've been helping me study and all that and I thought 'hey why not treat Finny with a fun day', so yeah, and I figured that since I had you on the phone I might as well ask you then"hmm, well I had fun, thanks, good night"good night Finny". Casper waved him goodbye, but before he could leave Finny called out to him and Casper turned around to find a pair of soft lips on his, but he soon kissed back, Finny then pulled away and ran back to his house, leaving Casper red faced.

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