"I found you."

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"I need to catch up on some sleep now." yawned Diya, "I'm going to your bedroom and sleeping. I hope your fiancé has no issues."

"No, he won't. He won't until he sees us both on the bed, nude."

"Quite an understanding chap you've found for yourself." she said as she fell onto the bed.

"I've found myself the best." Pritha said to herself and smiled.

"Liar!" yelled Diya from inside the bedroom, "I am the best!"

"I've found you, too." smiled Pritha as she leaned on the bedroom door.

"I found you, Prits. I had asked you to marry me."
Back in 2004 when Diya had broken up with her then boyfriend (and now ex), only Pritha had should by her side by simply calling that a guy a 'jerk' every time his name was mentioned. That is when they had found soul sisters in each other.
On one such day, Diya entered Pritha's classroom with two decorative flowers in her hand and asked Pritha to marry her. Pretending to blush, Pritha accepted the proposal and was then forced to propose to Diya, on one knee to be specific. Later, they had invited all their classmates and friends to the ceremony which was to be hosted by them that evening.

Remembering the gone days, the 'girls' broke into a crazy laughter.
"And Diya, you remember how everyone reached the venue but us? How we fooled them all!"

In response, Diya's laughter grew wilder and she fell off the bed.

Next morning, Diya was dragged into the bathroom by Pritha, and was ordered to bathe. She did as she was asked to and was then pulled into the car.

"Why are we out of the house at five in the morning? Diya asked, stretching her arms.

"Because we're going to play golf." answered Pritha as she changed the gear and sped the car up.


"Because you like playing it, and I've got a membership of the club which has to be utilized. Also, I want you to meet someone." she smirked this time.

"Kabir?" Diya narrowed her eyes at Pritha.

"No. But yeah, you two need to meet too. This goes into my 'to-do' list." Making a mental note, she continued, "Why don't you call Armaan over and we'll all go out someday? A double date-thing?"

"I'll see. I don't think Armaan would have enough time to fly to Mumbai and all. He's working on a huge project as the chief scientist. I'll ask him. Wait."
She dialed his number. "Hello?"

"Let me talk to him!" Pritha snatched the phone.

"Hey, guess who?"

"Pritha, I know it's you. Diya told me that she's going to Mumbai to meet you." answered a 'still-sexy' voice.

"She did? Okay. Now, I want you to come to Mumbai. Come and meet my fiance. Then I'll let you go and work on your super important project. But you'll have to take a leave again in February to attend my marriage. Should I book your tickets or you're booking the yourself?"

"Listen, Pritha, I can't..."

"Oh. You can't book your tickets." Pritha didn't let him complete his sentence, "Don't worry. I'll book them for you and will text you the details. See you. Bye." She hung up.

"Why would you do that?" Diya took her phone back.

"You question a lot. Shut your mouth and listen to this song."

Pritha changed the song to 'You and I' by One Direction.

"Oh god! You remember when we used to be Directioners and sing this song in the badminton court like idiots. I don't like being a grown up", she pulled a face.

"We could do those stupid things again, since you're here now." she parked the car, "And we've ample of time. You're not going anywhere until my wedding."

"Woah! Who said that? I mean, I would love to but I can't. I have to go back and earn some money, girl. I've clients desperately waiting."

Pritha pursed her lips and after some thinking said, "Yeah, that's right. You'll have to go."
Diya hit Pritha on her shoulder, smiled and got off the car.
"So who are we meeting?"she pulled the golf set out.
"Well, that's a surprise for you."Pritha winked as she helped Diya with the golf set.

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