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"Now, that's a fancy house!" said Pritha.
Diya pouted.

Their flight had landed two hours back and now, they were finally at Diya's place, ready to execute the 'abduction' plan.

The house was fancy, no doubt. The colours, the design, the gardens, the whole structure was beautiful! And it only got better as Pritha took each step inside the house. Though it was not what she would do to her house, it was marvelous.

"He is not in the bedroom. Might be at the badminton court." said Diya getting Pritha out of her wonderment.

"Damn, we'll have to go to the court now! How far is it?" she asked as she hung her purse back on her shoulder.

Diya smiled. "20 steps, I guess."

"Of a giant?"

"No. Mine."

Pritha followed Diya. 20 steps. "You have a badminton court inside your house?" At this shriek, two men turned around. One came and hugged Diya while the other just waved at her. The one who had hugged Diya, turned towards Pritha, "Hey, look at you! You look gorgeous now. Whatever happened to 'thick thighs save lives'?"

"Well, you look great too, now. And that quote, it's a 'thing' now. I don't like using lines everyone else does. So, yeah." They shook hands.

Armaan Mallick. Once an average looking teen. Now, looked super hot. Anyone would mistake him for a model. Fair, six feet two inches tall, a smart haircut, a French beard, a sharp nose and thin lips.
Now I know how their relationship lasted 12 years long.

He turned back to Diya, "You were going to come two days later, right?"

"Yeah. I'll come back then, too. But with you. Right now you're coming with us to Mumbai."

"What? But why? I've work to do here!"

"Yeah, a whole marriage to organize." said the other man, Rohit Gaur, a colleague of Armaan.

"A marriage?" Diya looked at Armaan through her narrowed eyes. You were about to marry someone behind my back?!"

"Listen, baby, there's nothing. Gaur is just joking. He is too tired and should leave for home now." He gestured Gaur to leave.

"You're hiding something from me, Armaan. What is it?"

"There's nothing, baby. I told you, na. Just chill."

"No! TELL ME! WHAT'S GOING ON?" she had lost her cool now.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you, first sit down."

She walked off to the living room and sat there on a sofa.

Armaan knelt down and her her hands in his own. "My mom had called a pundit a day after you had left. He says we must get married on the tenth of the next month. That's the best date he says. If not the tenth, then there's no good date for the next five years. I didn't want to delay our marriage any further. So I was just planning all of this. Wanted to surprise you but you came early."

"What??! Since when are you so superstitious?" She let go off his hands and crossed her arms.

"I'm a scientist! Call me anything but superstitious! And, for mom. Please?"

"Alright but isn't tenth a little too soon? I mean, how will we arrange for everything? We need an amazing venue, invitations have to be sent, our wedding dresses, the decoration, there's a lot to do! Have you booked a place yet?"


"No?!!" she stood up, "The tenth is like three weeks away and we don't have a location? A perfect wedding, it would be. Holy shit! Pritha is getting married on the same day! How will I be there at both the places? I hate you!" She snorted and turned towards the kitchen where Pritha stood.
Oh, shit. I completely forgot about her being here. Now, she's seeing all this drama too. The stupid pundit!

Pritha noticed the discomfort on Diya's face. "Armaan, do you know that I'm getting wedded on the tenth of the next month?" she warmly smiled at him.

"Great! Thank you for making it more difficult for her." He threw a cushion at her.

"I'm not making it difficult! All I'm saying is that the location is booked. All arrangements are taken care of. And, if I ask them to arrange for another wedding on the same day, they'll definitely manage it somehow with a little more money."

The couple stared at Pritha and then, all of a sudden, hugged her.
Diya wore a huge smile on her face, "Best friends getting married on the same day and at the same place. So filmy!" she laughed.

"Indeed." he agreed. "Pritha, thanks a lot. That's a great help. I'll take care of the money and other things. Whatever they are. You're doing us a big big big favour."

"Chill, Mister Scientist. Anything for you guys. But I've a condition." she leaned against the kitchen platform.

"I knew you weren't getting away with it so easily, Prits. What is it that you want?" he smirked.

"I want you to come to Mumbai with me. Then, to Udaipur so the wedding can be taken care of."

"Deal." he smiled.

Champagne was taken out. Music played. Plans made. Tickets booked. Kabir, friends and families informed. Five hours later, they were at the airport again.
This time, to Mumbai. 

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