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"Dude, wake up." Diya whispered into Pritha's ears at three in the morning.

"Arghhh. Why? It's not time yet." she pulled a pillow over her face.

"Wake up! Look who's here!" Diya sat on Pritha.

"I can only get up if you get off me. Plus, surprises aren't treating me well lately."

"Well, if the surprise is me, it'll treat you well." A voice said from the dark, and Pritha wasn't going to take long to recognize this voice.
It was Avni! Pritha shot up from the bed, causing Diya to fall off (but that's alright) and switched the lights on.

"Why do you stalk me all the time?" joked Pritha as she hugged Avni.

"I've got better stuff to do. Right now, I'm here so we can have fun and then later, I can knock sense into your head." she chuckled.

"The second half doesn't sound interesting. But be my guest when it comes to having fun!" Pritha jumped around the room like a little kid.

"We are sneaking out then!" shouted Avni and Diya together.

Pritha didn't quite like the idea, "It was fun sneaking out when we were younger and had our parents staying with us. What's the fun in sneaking out of a hotel room?"

"The facts that you'd do it in your pyjamas, barefoot and to the beach. And on the way, you'll flirt with the male receptionist there." Diya winked.

"Now, it sounds like a plan. I'm in!"

The girls quickly combed their hair, grabbed empty bottles of beer and headed down to the reception, barefoot.

Now, who was going to hit on that hot receptionist first? They decided it would be Diya first, followed by Avni and then Pritha. Each would get to use one pickup line of their choice and then would have to run outside the hotel. The game was on.

Diya walked to the reception with the empty bottle in hand, like a drunkard. She purposely stumbled in front of the desk. The receptionist came and helped her.

"Hmm, I'm not drunk." she said, placing her slender index finger on his lips.

He nodded sincerely.

"I'm just intoxicated by you." She winked and ran out.
The astonished receptionist returned to his desk, unaware of the fact that two more women would do something similar.

Avni came into the scene after five minutes, "Excuse me, I'd like to change my room. I'm not liking this one."

"What is the issue with the room, ma'am?"

"It doesn't have you in it." she said in a bold voice, waited for him to smile and then ambled out.

It was Pritha's turn now. She strutted to the desk. "Excuse me?" she said arrogantly.

"You don't need a pick up to hit on me or something." he smirked.

"What do I need then?" she leaned in and smirked too.

"Another hotel."

Pritha stood up straight and stared at him, not quite comprehending what he wanted to convey.

"I can't go out with my guests here. Hotel policy. Not allowed." He winked.

Pritha smiled showing her nearly perfect teeth, and then yelled as she ran out of the hotel, "I did it without a goddamned pick up line!"

The receptionist smiled and said to himself, "Never had guests like them before."

The girls now sat at the beach, where Diya was making a sand castle while Pritha and Avni talked.

"Diya told me what happened. I'm sorry." Avni wrapped an arm around Pritha's shoulder.

Pritha shook her head as she looked at her feet.

Avni continued speaking, "You must take your decisions. We can only advise you. But whatever decision you take, remember, what is more important than the wedding is the marriage. Marry the one who believe you can spend the rest of your life with, happily. Marry the one whom you trust, love and are compatible with. If you think you aren't ready yet, then don't. But don't make it too late. You don't want to lose your 'The One'."

Pritha nodded, still looking at her feet.


"Right now, I want to help Diya with the sand castle."

Avni smiled and hugged her, but Pritha broke down again.


"You know what?" Pritha woke up the other two up.
They had returned from the beach at six in the morning when other people had begun coming for their jogs. It was quarter past eight in the morning now, and the girls had been enjoying a sweet sleep. But now Pritha was up with something.
She shook them out of their sleep and then kicked them down the bed.

"What the hell, Pritha?" Avni threw a pillow at her but missed the shot.

"Avni, I've made my decision. I know what exactly to do."

"That's great!" Diya gave her a hug. "But what you have decided and about what?"

Pritha looked seriously at her friends and then said, "You see guys, I'm a lawyer."

The girls nodded sincerely.

"And I'm a successful lawyer. Now, I'm going to challenge the law and when I'll win this particular case in an year or so..." She paused to let the suspense grow. "I'll be able to marry the two of you!"

"Oh no!" said Avni and Diya together.
Diya continued, "I'm going to marry Armaan not you. Look at you. You're 'arrrghhh'. I feel like pucking at you."

"I agree with Diya. Even I'm married and I'm really really happy with my married life. Being married to you will be hell. No one can tolerate your tantrums. Except one person..."Avni smirked at Pritha.

"Who?" asked Pritha like a cute four-year old.

"Aadarsh Arora."

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Love you all :*

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