Chapter 8

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Maybe its kinda weird when I asked about Chanyeol a lot but I don't mouth always throwing out a words about him.

"Do you like him?"

I'm freeze when Yoora unnie ask me that."No..I mean.. yeah, you ask me a lot about him like the other girls that make me their fake friend to just wanna know about him. And I don't like it."

She look at me with a serious face." No..I really meant to be friend with you..I just ..-"

"So why you always asking me about Chanyeol?"

She cut off my words and I was like...ohhh how to answer this, should I just tell her about yesterday? No! Its embarrassing.
"I-...I just curios about him, about his personality..he earn my attention since I transfer to this school, and I really want to know him so that I can be more comfortable with him."

I explain to her and that make her understand . She looks very pleased when she know that I really want to make a good friend with her.

When we busy talking to each other ..suddenly I saw Chanyeol looking at us. He is with Gikwang but Gikwang didn't see us because he sit opposite to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol look kinda happy I thought because sometimes I saw him lightly smirk when he saw me and Yoora unnie laughing.


"See you tomorrow then, bye Hana." Yoora unnie smile bitterly like she don't want me to leave.

I nods and give her my sweetest smile then wave my hands ,same like her.

I leave Gikwang behind as I saw he still talking with Chanyeol and also because he leave me.

In the class....

Chanyeol and Gikwang are late so they get punishment to clean this class when the school end.

So yeah...thats for leaving me.

They both then asked to go to their sit.Gikwang walks towards me and whisper..

"Why you leave me...look, I get punishment now."

I just ignore him and start writing. My mood is not good with him and Chanyeol.

"Is my sister fun?"

I surprise when suddenly Chanyeol's mouth is about an inch from my ear. I move my head and look at him.

"Y-yes ..she's a n-nice person."

I don't know why I'm stuttering but it's like I'm getting red.

"Have you told her about yesterday.?"
My face are going to explode. How can he ask me something like that . I pretend to just ignore him and continue writing.

"That you tell her about we in the classroom?"

My face are really really getting totally red! I bit my lips cause of awkwardness. I still ignore him but I saw him smikrking.. maybe he saw I'm blushing so much.

"Okay, I got it and I know you like it."

My eyes wide open when he said like that. Gosh..this boy arhh.

Its time to go home..but Gikwang is still in the class with Chanyeol, they still must get their punishment.

I know I should go back home now and just leave Gikwang. heart telling me not to go, wait for Gikwang first. My heart also said that Gikwang is my responsibility because he live in my house. So I wait for him at the door class.

"You not just gonna stand there and look at us like a complete idiot.? "
Chanyeol sweep the floor with a long broomstick. "After all, we're still a boy." He stop sweeping and look at me.

"What?! This is your punishment not mine! If you're expecting me to help you then my answer is a big NO"

I roll my eyes as I don't mind with their things and also because I still can't forget the time that they leave me, luckily Chanyeol's sister is there to accompany me.

Chanyeol scoff."C'mon.. Can't you see he get tired already?"

I look at Gikwang and he did look totally tired and seems like he will faint any time.

I really don't want to help them but Chanyeol's statement just now is true..I want to go home and sleep as I feel tired too.

I then grab the broomstick that Gikwang hold and ask him to sit down so he can have a rest for awhile. I don't know but suddenly I feel guilt when I saw Gikwang like that, he is totally weak.


Chanyeol look at me with his sad face. I was about to laugh at him cause that's the first time I saw his face like that but I pretend to just chuckle lightly and ask him to do by himself as he still look energetic.

After about 30 minutes, this class now is clean. Without even knowing that Chanyeol is fall asleep at my table already..then I walk quietly toward him and sit in front of him.

I stare at him for awhile and I notice that my face are getting red already. 'This boy look so cute when he's sleeping'

My face is dangerously close to his face but I immediately pull back as I heard Gikwang is yawning which means.. He's awake already.

"Okay Gikwang, come's done. My mom will fetch us as its late already."

Gikwang nods and rubs his eyes with both of his hand.

I look at Chanyeol and wake him up.. "Chanyeol..wake up, time to go home."

"No..I'm staying here, just go."
He doesn't make any movement except his mouth keep muttering something. His eyes is still close too.

"Really?! ...your family will be worry about you." I look at him in disbelief.

"I said just go!" He stand up and shouted at me.

My eyes are wide open in shock, same with Gikwang. I freeze in my position like a stone. Never have I ever saw him like this. Last day he told me to go too but not this way.

He then massage his temple using his finger and sit back on his seat."Go"

Even in surprise, I make a move to Gikwang and pull him out. "Come on." I whisper to him and he just follow.

Sorry if this story is getting bored..please comment to give me more idea to write an interesting scene then. XD

And please vote. Tq

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