Hand Prints

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Twilight is owned by Stephanie Meyers, please support the official release.

Written by Nashmeira S. W.

Edited by EstrellaGrace

Be sure to check out her work. :3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 1:1 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Hand Prints ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

It was another great day in Fork the wettest and today coldest, place in the continental United States. I arrived at school earlier hoping to avoid Edward but it was to no avail, he was already here with his siblings. We had gotten off on a bad start and there was part of me that just wanted to punch that scowl off his face.

As I got out of my truck I felt an unusual crunch under my feet and looked down to see ice. My eyes followed the ice under my feet to the tires of my truck and found that they had snow chains. My father's handy work no doubt.

I shut the door of my truck when the sound of screeching tires and crunching of ice caught my attention. It was getting louder; I turned just in time to see a large black van careening sideways at me. I was frozen like a deer in headlights.

I braced myself for the inevitable. The books and stationary that I had been holding were forgotten as they fell to the ground; the world was moving in slow motion. My arms extended toward the oncoming van, Edward and his siblings were looking on from across the parking lot.

I had just enough time to look back at the van and close my eyes, all the while bracing for the inevitable impact that was coming right at me. I chanced a glance at the van, it was almost on top of me. I was as ready as I could be for the impact. What I wasn't expecting was the impact from two directions. Something hard slammed into my right side then a second later I felt the cold metal of the van against my hands. My eyes were still closed so I was unsure what had hit me from the side, it was rock hard whatever it was.

Slowly, very slowly, I opened my eyes to see none other than Edward Cullen laying almost on top of me, his eyes wide as he looked at me. There were shouts all around us as time resumed its normal flow. My eyes were wide as I looked into the dark honey of Edward's eyes, the shuffling of people; the shouts to help the van's driver were forgotten.

Suddenly, the world was moving again and we were both starting at each other in surprise. Why was he surprised? I should be the surprised one here. Slowly, I looked to the same thing that was causing Edward's eyes to budge.

My right hand had created an almost identical deep hand print shaped dent to his. My small hand had caused just as much damage as his did to Tyler's van. His attention returned to me after a moment of puzzling out indentations, surprise still evident on his face. After all it wasn't every that a hundred and two pound girl stopped a two ton van.

"How..." He started but I cut him off.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked quickly cutting him off, this seemed to do the trick of staving off the many unwanted questions that were to come. He was across the parking lot, there was no way he should have been able to get to me so fast and a better question he hated me, why be here at all.

"I was right beside you the whole time." Came his swift reply. He looked to my hand and was about to speak when I again cut him off.

"No you were over by your car, I saw you." I said holding his eyes never deviating. We hadn't even gotten to the fact that his hand like mine was not broken and had caused a dint in the metal panel of the van.

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