Secrets Go Out The Window

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Twilight is owned by Stephanie Myers, please support the official release.

Written by Nashmeira S. W.

Edited by EstrellaGrace

Be sure to check out her work. :3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 3 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Secrets Go Out The Window ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Edward was on the move.

Faster, I have to go faster.

He was just barely running in front of Rosalie and Emmett. Both had taken it upon themselves after the vote to set right Edward's wrong and protect the family. He was angry that they would betray him like this, he had to make this right and stop his siblings from reaching Bella. It was just before midnight and the two had set out through the woods to Bella Swan's house. He had to make it before Rosalie and Emmett.

Bella's life depended on it.

So he was streaking through the woods, trees streaking by as leaves crunched under his feet. He had no idea how he was going to stop them, and if Emmett decided to join in he would really be in trouble. Jasper was just happy to let Rose get her own hands dirty when doing the deed was done. By killing Bella, the supposed threat to Alice was eliminated.

Edward arrived at the edge of the tree line, his eyes scanning the Swan residence. The only light was coming from the kitchen. He moved at a noticeably slower pace when he was closer to the house when he heard a light breathing, and a calm heart beating. The noises were quieter than most humans', but that didn't matter because she was still breathing, still alive. She was the only thing he could hear in the house and the noises were coming from the second story window that faced a large tree on the back of the property.

Just then Edward turned as he heard the sound of fast approaching feet, his brother and sister no doubt. Right on cue, Rose and Emmett stepped out of the tree line, their pale complexions seeming to glow, like his own, under the moonlight.

"Edward, get out of here." Rosalie growled, no longer keeping her anger in check.

'Sorry bro, I tried to talk her out of it but it was a no-go. I had to make sure she was okay. Can't let anything happen to my Rosie, you know.' Emmett apologized mentally, following it up with a sorry smile.

'Like that will make it all better.' Edward mentally said, but being the only one that could hear his own thoughts, he voiced them aloud. "Dammit Rose, I'm not letting you hurt her. If it comes down to it..." What? Would he really hurt on of his siblings, his family, if they truly threatened to kill Bella? 'His Bella' Some primal part of him corrected. Yes, he wanted her. She was torture to him but as time went on, she was wearing him down just by existing, just by being around him. "I'll not hesitate to end either of you."

Rose, always quick with snappy comebacks, only snared. "I don't think you have the balls."

She took a step forward, then another, and then she was moving, but so was Edward. Her mind focusing on a song all the while Emmett's was reciting move by move actions of a UFC fight from some time ago. He had to give it to Emmett that was pretty smart because it helped to mask his own actions.

Emmett was attempting to grapple with Edward and not take a chunk out of him. All he wanted to do was just subdue him, all the while Edward was trying to hold Rose back.

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