The Girl with the Oval Rimmed Glasses

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Twilight is owned by Stephanie Myers, please support the official release.

Written by Nashmeira S. W.

Edited by EstrellaGrace

Be sure to check her out. :3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 8 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The Girl with the Oval Rimmed Glasses ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Sam Uley was not a happy man, technically he wasn't a man at all and if truth be told, even when he was happy, he was still somewhat angry. All of this was due to what Sam was; his very nature was that of rage.

But rage was an animal he had to keep a tight rein on; he knew what happened if he didn't, that reminder was right in front of him as he walked in the room. He looked around to find Paul and Jared were sting in the living room watching TV while Emily was in the kitchen on the phone. She turned to him with a smile, but her happy face would forever be marred by a ragged scar that covered her right cheek.

"Hold on Billy, he's right here." She walked over to Sam, covering the speaker portion as she met him. "Its Billy, something about the Swans." Sam's jaw clenched as he took the offered phone.

"What's wrong Billy?"

"Its Charlie and Bella, they were invited over to the Cullen's today. Charlie said he and Bella were going over there for lunch under the pretense of a family get together that the good doctor and his wife invited them." Sam sighed. He didn't like the Cullens; it was literally ingrained into his head not to like leeches. Although even Billy's insistence that they should be dealt with couldn't make him budge.

Sam didn't really hate the Cullens as people, but he had a very great dislike of their kind as a whole. Because that's just what everyone was taught from birth so it had to be true. They would never be friends, but their numbers were greater than that of the pack's. Right now they had the edge so he would have to let it go. Unless the Cullens forced his hand of course, then he would have to act.

"Alright Billy, I have Paul check out the Swans and we'll go from there."

"There is more going on here Sam...."

"Until we have proof," Sam cut in. "My hands are tied, you know that. Now I'll do what I can and let you know what we find out. I'll have Paul check the Swan's house." Paul lost the battle for the remote on hearing his name mentioned as he cried foul at having to work on his off day.

"Alright, thanks Sam. Keep me posted."

"Goodbye, Billy." Sam said, ending the conversation. He didn't bother to wait for Billy's own farewell in favor of just ending the conversation there.

"Sam! I had plans today!" Cried Paul and he stood visibly irritated.

Sam mentally groaned.

"That's fine, you can check out the Swan's place first and see if there is anything wrong. Then you can get back to your plans." Sam said, giving Paul a look that left no room for discussion.

"Fine then I'm going now, if that's fine with you." Paul never wanted this life, none of them wanted it but Paul just loathed the fact that it was his life. He had taken it as a personal affront that his life was put it on hold because of his supposed obligation to the tribe. They all knew had it not been for the Alpha's command then Paul would have already left. Sam had feared that Paul's anger would make things worse if he left, so he had done the unthinkable. He ordered Paul to stay, hoping that once he had gained more control, he could resend the command and Paul would simply opt to stay.

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