Lies Are Only Skin Deep

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Twilight is owned by Stephanie Myers, pl support the official release.

Written by Nashmeira S. W.

Edited by EstrellaGrace

Be sure to check her out. :3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 7 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lies Are Only Skin Deep ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

We all have secrets, and with a secret comes the fear that somehow, someway, someone will find out about that secret. I never wanted anyone to know our family secret but that was why we were there, to lay the truth on the table.

So when it came to telling our story to others we were not the greatest. So for the past 10 minutes, Dad and I were now sitting quietly in the Cullen's living room thinking about how to present ourselves and not come off as something to be hated.

There are a lot of theories about all kinds of supernatural creatures and some of them may be true. For us however, most of those theories are false. For the two of us anyway" Someone needed to say something to get the ball rolling.

"Soooo.... are you going to explain anything or just keep us in suspense forever? Which we have but, well, you don't." Rosalie asked snidely. I was getting use to her condescending attitude. She did bring up a good point about us not speaking so I looked at Dad.

"Age is as good a place to start as any I suppose." Dad said, leaning back in his chair and facing the assembled family. "Well, as a matter of fact their young lady we do have forever. Though we may not look it right now, I stopped ageing some time ago."

"He's older than dirt." I laughed.

He pointed a finger as me. "Your grandmother is older than dirt... don't ever tell her I said that though. I'm a little over 1200 years old."

"Only a little over? As I recall, you were born around 733 so yeah, I think you're closer to 1,270 years old." I grinned at him and he gave me a scowl. We broke our staring match when we heard a huff of annoyance.

Huh, wonder who that could be.

"This is bull shit!" Surprise, it was Rosalie.

"Rosalie, language." Esme chastised in her very motherly way.

"I'm sorry Mom but it is, look at him," She said pointing to my father. "he's what 5'5?"

Looking Dad over, I would have given him the benefit of the doubt and said that he was in his early 40's. But it was starting to look more and more like Dad was not amused about all the talk of his age. I guess he was a like an old lady in that regard since it bugged him so much.

"It's the porn-stache Dad, adds a good ten extra years." I laughed and Emmett burst out laughing too.

"Porn-stache, that's great Bell's. That one is going on the list for later."

There were small chuckles around the room at my comment but I could tell that he was getting ticked off.

"Okay, enough about my age and my mustache," Dad said as he protectively stroked his mustache. "We're getting off track."

"As you noticed last night, Bella's eyes can change color." I released my hold on, what we call, my band in its first stage and I could feel my eyes changing, the whites turning an unnatural red and the pupils slitting and becoming a bright yellow. In the moment it took for my eyes to change the world became more alive, sharper, and clear. Colors became more vivid, before they seemed drab and flat, but then the world became alive through my eyes. I could see everything in such clarity that even high definition movies paled in comparison.

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