The return

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It its tamara so i scream Tamara she screamed my name and we rejoyced in feeling completed by each other. I haven't felt this good since i lost my virginity. We take tamara to the mansion and have a party then me and tamara went to my room to catch up.  But who she told me she killed filled my soul with pure joy. She said she killed my mom, the head mistersess of the orphanage susan ,and my doctor from the mental hospital. Oh how i could thank her. I needed to tell her that no one knows. Tamara i can tell you anything right " yea" tamara im..... Im pansexuall ive been hiding it since middel school. "What the fuck i hate people who aren't heterosexual why would you be pan littel fag " im sorry tamara i forgot you hated people that aren't like you.

   After that i didnt see a reason to live painter stoped taking his meds jeff and jane got in fights so intense they killed each other sally ran away, and tamara left out of hatered.

Authors note: i would like to say this story was based on real life if they died they left my life the killing was my psychotic thoughts so if you know me in real life you are most likly in this story as a character. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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