Six: brother?!

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(Don't forget to vote. So i can know if whether your reading or liking this story. I really appreciate your votes. Anyways here's the chapter hope you like it ^_^)

Mabel, Dipper and Bill were in the woods. "So remind me why we're here again?" Bill asks even though he already knows. He just wanted to tease his pine tree. Mabel groaned in frustration."Duh! We're here to go on a mystery hunt!"

Bill frowns and crosses his arms. "I was talking to pine tree..."

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Then a strong blow of wind passed by. "Bill. What did you do?" Dipper turns to bill frowning a bit. "H-hey. I didn't do anything."

Bill smelled the air. "Smoke.... wait. There no fire..." he scanned the place. He frowned. "We have to go."

"What? But we just go here!"

"Can it pine tree!" Bill floated the grabbed dipper and mabel up. "Go. Go."

"Whoa. Where do you think you're going cipher?" A rich tone spoke from behind. Mabel and dipper turned to see a guy wearing a blue tail coat. White undershirt. Black bow tie. Black dress pants. Black dress shoes. Black eye patch. On the left side of his hair was blue and on the right side was pure black. It kinda looks like the reverse version of bill when he's wearing snappy clothes.

"B-bill. Who's that?" Dipper asks shaking. "Aw... how rude if you didn't let your friends know your own brother...."


Bill bit his lip as he closes his eyes. His feet landed on the ground. "What do you want ville?"

"Oh just nothin'. I just wanted to see my twin brother..... i see you have some mortals with you...." ville's look darkened when he mentioned dipper and mabel. Bill turned around to see his brother. "Leave them out of this."

Ville scoffs. "Can't a demon like me just visit his own one and only brother?"

"I'm not your brother...." ville approaches them as the twins were afraid. "Are you sure about that? Or do you just don't trust me? Bill cipher doesn't trust ville cipher? I'm hurt." Ville mimicked a hurt tone. He chuckled. "You know. It's even hard to believe that three years ago. When you finally ruled gravity falls. You've prisoned this meatsack in a bubble. You've destroyed all the journals. But still. These dumb worthless mortals defeated you. And you even made a deal. To a mortal? Who's uncle defeated you three years ago? And sometimes.... i would even think what happen if i kill one of your friends?" Ville stated in a synthesized voice. And smirks then taps his chin.

Bill glared at him. "B-bill. What's going on?" Dipper says afraid and was behind bill with his sister. "And you must be dipper pines? Oh. How long i wanted to see your weak and worthless face...." ville grins widely. "B-bill." Dipper says in an scared tone. Bill's hand litted with blue flames. "I don't want to fight you. i don't want to hurt you ville. Just leave them out of this and leave me alone."

"Too cold. Don't you think? You've changed so much after you were brought back."

"I said. Leave. Me. Alone." Bill threatens in a synthesized voice. "Alright. If you don't want to be bad again. Then we'll just have to do this the easy way...." purple flames appeared on ville's hand. The forest started burning. The trees fell down. "Don't you just love pain? The screams? The nightmares? Perishing souls is just so fun. And this stupid mortal stands in your way in being a true demon...." ville approaches them as bill backed away along with his friends.

Ville bursted flames around dipper. Making a circle of flames. "Dipper!" Mabel yowled. "No. Don't hurt him."

"You've gotten soft. Cipher. Well there's always a lot of things to turn it around..." ville appeared holding dipper's arm. Dipper was unconcious. His body was full of scars and wounds. He was all messed up. Bill got angry. "Enough!" He waved his hand at his brother as everything turned back to normal. And a fire ball shooted ville on the chest. Ville's chest was smoking. He putted a palm on his chest gritting his teeth. "Let him go!!!" Bill yelled. Ville's eye turned glowing purple. "You want the mortal?" Ville says in a sythesized voice. "Come and get him..." ville snaps his hand as dipper's unconcious body was lifted up in the air and glowing blue chains started wrapping him up. Ville's whole outfit and hair turned pure purple and black. "Shooting star. Hide." Bill kneeled down and gripped on the grass as blue flames appeared on the ground as mabel moved away. Ville shooted fire at bill. Bill absorbs the fire then shots it back to ville. Ville blocks it by summoning a purple flames in front of him. Bill creates a red flaming sword. "I don't want to do this."

"I knew you would. But sometimes.... when you have something precious to you.... you just have to destroy it!" Ville clenched his fist as the chains tightens dipper. Dipper groans in pain. "Sometimes when you lose something.... you always go for revenge. Isn't that right bill? Can you feel the hate? Huh? Fine. Shoot me. You want the boy right? You wouldn't me to kill him would you?" Ville swirls his hand around as dipper screamed in pain. "No!!" Bill moved his hand at ville as ville was wrapped up in red chains. Bill flicked his palm forward as ville approached bill in a full-force. "Listen. I had enough of this. By the next time we'll meet again. I swear if you harm the pines family or especially even prick a finger on my pine tree.... i'll decimate your molecules into blitz....." a smirk appeared on ville's face. "You truly are still the bill cipher i know. Even though you care for a mortal. You're still evil deep inside...." ville disappeared in a flash purple flames.

The red chains disappeared and dipper fell on the ground unconcious. Bill scampered to him then held his headrest. Dipper groaned in pain. "I-is he okay?" Mabel concerns from behind bill. "I think so... i'm not sure.... his energy level is weak...." bill says with his eyes glowing blue as he gazes at dipper.

"Is there any way you can heal him?"

Bill tilted his head up. "Well there is some way...."

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