seven: moonstones

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Hey guys, sorry for updating so late. Been busy, that's all. Anyways here's the chapter, hope you like it.

They were inside the attic. Dipper's body was drapping on the floor. There was a drawing of the cipher wheel on the floor. Which was on dipper's spot. Dipper was on the center where the drawing bill is. Bill was same outfit, with the yellow hoodie, red shirt and whatever, you get what i mean.

Bill floated above dipper as they were blue fire on his hands. The wheel's lines litted in blue flames as dipper began floating. Bill drapped his back on the back-board of dipper's bed.

He layed his head on the back-board. Mabel was sitting on the bed gazing at dipper with concerns. "I-is he alright? H-he's not moving...."

"Don't worry.... he's just in a trance.... healing takes a lot of time...."

"So i thought you said that you can't heal anyone when we were carrying dipper up stairs?"

"I did.... but since pine tree's one of the symbols in the zodiac. His symbol might help him.... all i need to do is to focus...." bill floated once again then moved his hand around with his hands on fire. "So this won't affect you right?" Mabel suddenly concerns.

"Yeah. It would drain half of my energy but i'll be fine...."

"So is it almost done?"

"I need sometime.... don't get too excited...." bill says frowning a bit. "Hey. I care for my brother as you care for him too...." mabel folds her arms.

After a few seconds. Dipper slowly drapped down on the floor. The blue flames on the wheel disappeared as the blue flames in bill's hands did too. Bill slowly fell on his knees. He putted a finger on dipper's neck to sense if he's alive. "So... is he alive?"

"Yeah... but there's one more thing i need to do...." mabel quirks an eyebrow. Bill grabs dipper's collar as dipper was still unconcious. then pressed his lips to dipper's. Dipper kisses back. Not knowing who it was. Mabel was dumbstruck as deep inside. Was her heart screaming for fangirling.

Dipper's eyes fluttered then realizes. He was now fully-awake. He pulled away making bill smirk. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!" Dipper scampers away from bill.

"You enjoyed that didn't you?" Mabel questions bill smirking. Bill responses by smirking. "D-did you just kiss me?!" Dipper freaks out. "You bet i did... and it felt good...." bill teases as dipper grasps a pillow nearby then bit it in fear as he sat on the floor. He was dumbstruck. Mabel froze. She realizes that they need privacy.

"U-umm.... if you guys need anything.... i'll check on waddles on my room...." mabel lies then heads towards the door then left the room.

Bill still spots dipper who was still shivering in fear. He rolled his eyes as he scoffs. "Relax. It was just a kiss from a demon. Why? Do you think that it would poison you?" Bill quirks an eyebrow. "No. I just... never mind..." dipper stares at the cipher wheel. "Y-you sacrificed half of your energy just to bring me back?" Hearing bill and mabel's discussion when he was in a trance.

"Well i did. Is there..... something wrong....?" Bill knew that his pine tree would come to question about why did bill just sacrificed a mortal in exchange half of his left energy after he was brought back.

"N-no. W-why did you sacrificed for me?" Dipper asks hugging the pillow tightly in an concerned tone. Bill sighed as he drapped his back at the back-board of dipper's bed.

"Well. I.... i... i love you...." then he turns his head to dipper who was blushing, he smirks, "don't get too blushy pine tree.... oh and we still got work to do...." he sats up, then approaches dipper, he pulls out a hand while smirking, "what da ya say we get the heck out of here and work??"

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