Eight: Cipher Hunt

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Hey guys, sorry for a late update. Kinda busy and I lost interest in writing this story for a while because no one was quite reading it. But I'm glad to see that in my notifications, they are people reading it. Don't worry, this chapter isn't gonna be that long like the previous chapter and again I'm sorry for a late update. Please enjoy and have a good day!

Will Cipher kept on bashing the barrier around Gravity Falls with his fists. He grimaced in disapproval that the barrier won't break, he stared at his hands that had blue shackles locked on his wrists.

He panted, "it hurts a lot more even if it's healing.." he grasped on his wrist, hissing in pain. The shackles wasn't linked to anything, it was just locking his wrists, preventing him to morphing into his triangular form or any form that it'll might take.

He twitched his one and only eye, "heck, I can't even transform into my triangular form..at this rate, I can't even become more stronger than my human form," he hovered up in the sky, with his eyes locked on the Mystery Shack. "Hmm, brother, how come you don't have anything like this? Or..is it just that you're hiding it?"

His eye flashed from his usual eye to white-splitted with red sclera.

In his eyesight, he could see what's inside the shack. He saw his brother, Dipper, Mabel, Stan and Ford. "What the heck are they doing?" And so he listened, overhearing their conversation even if it was right far away.

But something bugged him, his eye distorted back to normal. Having a sting pain in the right one, "aggh!!" He impaled down deliberately, rubbing his one eye in agony. It felt like it was burning.

Taking off his gloved-hands away from his eye, he zoomed his eyesight once more to the Mystery Shack, but something kept blocking his magic.

Upon blinking, he grimaced. "What the? I can't..peek?" His palms ignited purple flames, his outfit flashed into a pattern combination of purple and black. His eye flashed to white-splitted and crimson red sclera.

"What is going on there?"

Ford walked on with Bill, the old man gripped on the demon's shoulder, pushing his shoulders down, forcing him to sit on a chair. "Now, I've detected something in the area. A being is messing with the barrier, not sure of what it might be or what it's planning to do. But we have to search for it! It might be planning to spread chaos to the whole world or worse!" He clenched his fist with stress.

Dipper seemed to notice his facial expression of being devastated, "uhm, Grunkle Ford, are you alright?"

Ford twitched an eye, "oh, I'm fine..except the fact that someone wants to destroy the barrier just like one person I know..." he gritted his teeth as Bill was frowning a bit, weirded out by the old guy.

Did I really mess everything up back then? Bill thought.

"And I mean to say was that, we need to bequeath!"


"Precisely!" Ford acerbically stated, pacing back and forth around the room while the others follow his trail of movements. "Now, we need to bequeath and search all around the area of Gravity Falls!"

"Man, what is wrong with him?" Dipper whispered to Mabel, quietly, while watching Ford freak out in front of them as they sat on the counter's desk.

"Yeah, he's been like this since he heard the news a while ago!" Mabel whispered back, staring at Ford weirdly.

"What are you guys talking about?" Bill butted in by quietly whispering, drapping his arms across their shoulders, grinning widely as ever.

"ARE YOU THREE EVEN LISTENING?!" Ford yelled out, his mouth was clapped by his brother's palm.

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