1. Sudden

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"Guys bali bali lets get going now!" Bangtan's manager chased them to move quickly in the carpark towards their van.

The members dragged their tired and sore bodies into the vehicle. Huge eyebags were showing from their faces as fatigue started to wear them out. It was an extremely tiring day for them as their schedules went on one after another without much time for a break. Their comeback is in a week's time and they are busy with dance rehearsals, pre-recording music shows, going on interviews and variety shows etc. The intense schedule took a toll on them and they were totally exhausted at the end of every day.

Bangtan entered their dorm after the long ride home.

"Guys, come on lets go shower and sleep" Jin said as the members all laid around the sofa and floor, unwilling to move.

Namjoon nodded his head in agreement and added "Yeah, and we still have a long day tomorrow..."

"But hyung, i'm so dead tired that i can't even move" Tae whined softly with both his eyes closed.

Jin then stood up from the sofa and softly tapped each of the members' butts to get them to wake up. Namjoon helped Jin as he encouraged the members by pulling them up one by one, away from the comfortable sofa.

The younger members groaned and whined while Suga and Jhope just frowned with their half awake eyes.

Finally, all of them started to walk to their rooms to remove their makeup and get ready to shower. As Jimin went into the bathroom, Jungkook sat down in front of the mirror to clean off his makeup. He looked closely at himself from the mirror and noticed how dark and heavy his eyebags were. His face was paler than usual and he felt a tiny cramp in his chest. Ignoring it as he was too tired, he continued removing his makeup. His cold hands ran across his eyes as he removed his eye makeup slowly. When did my hands get this cold ... he thought to himself. As he continued removing the rest of the makeup from his face, he felt more and more tired, and his hands felt too heavy to move. Half conscious, he dragged his body onto his bed as a wave of fatigue engulfed him, bringing him into the world of darkness...

"Yah maknae, i'm done you can go shower now!" Jimin called out to Jungkook from the bathroom. As he took his dirty clothes out, he realised that jungkook has already fallen into a deep sleep. Ohh this boy... jimin smiled slightly looking at the tired maknae lightly snoring in his peaceful sleep.

At 3.05am

Jungkook woke up from a sharp pain in his chest; it was an excruciating pain. All his chest muscles tightened to the point where it was hard to even breathe. The sharp tightening pain came in bolts, jolting up his entire body every time it came. He broke out into cold sweat as he held his right hands tightly on his chest, hoping that it could stop the pain. His left hand fumbled for the nearest thing he could grab on his bed and he clenched onto it so tightly as though his life depended on it. He wanted to scream from the pain but knowing that it would wake the other tired members, he endured. Gritting his teeth, beads of perspiration dripped from the side of his head, past his ears and onto his sleeves. After an eternity of 3 minutes, the pain slowly died down and he was able to breathe properly again. He released his grip on his left hand as it started feeling numb from the tight grip on his blanket. Jungkook concentrated on slowing down his breathing as he was afraid that his lungs would expand too suddenly to trigger the pain back. Pain finally stopped dominating his brain and he could think clearly again. All he could remember from the past 5 minutes was just a pain so great that he has never experienced before.

Using the back of his hands, he wiped off the beads of sweat from his head. His unusually cold hands made him shiver as it made contact with his forehead. Then he used his palms to slowly rub his chest, helping the muscles to relax a little. As he moved his palms to rub the left side of his chest, he winced, feeling tiny waves of pain with each rub. Ouch it hurts... I must be too tired that's why

Jungkook then laid back on his bed slowly and readjusted his body in a more comfortable position. With his eyes closed, he drifted into sleep once again.

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