6. Get Well Soon

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Jungkook's POV

After a few minutes, the pain finally became more manageable as it reduced to shorter and less sharp pain, coming in waves once every minute. My breathing stabled and the tears dried up on my cheeks and around my eyes.

Right then, the toilet door swung open as I heard footsteps nearing. The person knocked on the cubicle door and asked "Jungkook yah, are you inside?". Its Namjoon hyung.

I quickly wiped away the dried up tears and stood up to open the door, acting like nothing has happened.


"Yah Jeon Jung Kook, why are you in the toilet for so long? Everyone is waiting for you in the van!" Leader said with a raised tone, he sounded quite urgent and angry.

"Ahh, i'm sorry hyung, i had a stomachache thats why.. but why is everyone in the van? Aren't we supposed to be standing by at the back stage soon?" I asked, puzzled.

"Ohh right, we decided to send taehyungie to the hospital for a check-up as his condition seems quite serious. The showcase is cancelled... let's get going now, the rest are still waiting!" Leader explained while prompting me to start moving.

"Nae hyung" I replied as i followed closely behind him back to the van.

It was a mixed feeling knowing that the showcase is cancelled. I was somehow glad as I was too tired and weak to perform my best after all the pain just now and i'm sure Tae is not in the right condition to perform either. But i was also quite disappointed as we have all prepared hard for this day...

In the hospital

Narrator's POV

"Taehyung sshi, after a detailed MRI scan, it seems that the cause of your symptoms is due to a brain tumour in your right brain... That is why you lost your hearing temporarily in the right ear just now, as there is a huge pressure on the nerves caused by the tumour. Also, it is normal for patients with brain tumours to experience constant headaches, dizziness, vomitting etc" The doctor said in a matter-of-factly way.

Taehyung listened to the doctor carefully and his expressions hardened when he heard that he has a brain tumour.

"Is there any way to treat it??" Suga asked urgently, unable to hide his concern for his dongsaeng

"Fortunately, yes. As the tumour has yet to develop into its full size, it is still relatively easy to remove it via surgery" the doctor replied.

All the members including taehyung let out a huge sigh of relief. They were all holding in their breath unconsciously, nervously waiting for the doctor's reply.

"However, as his nerves has been experiencing pressure for quite some time already, he may need some time to regain his full hearing after the surgery." He paused. "So it would be advisable if there are people to take care of him and give him as much support as possible throughout this period, before and after the surgery" the doctor said, smiling slightly at all the members.

"Ok we will, thankyou doctor!" Jimin said.

"I will go discuss with the doctor on scheduling the surgery" Manager-nim said and then left the room with the doctor.

"Thank goodness taehyung you can be cured, you had us all so worried just now!" J-hope said in a half glad and half scolding tone.

"Taehyung ahh!" Jimin said as he gave him a tight hug. The other members joined in too and they stayed like this for a few seconds before Jimin finally lets go.

Taehyung flashed his sweet rectangular smile at his members and said softly, "thank you guys, i love you all"

He blushed for a few seconds before his face suddenly turned solemn. "And i'm sorry for causing our showcase to be cancelled, i've let down all of you..." Taehyung pouted.

"Ohh don't say that taetae, it's not your fault! Just promise us that you will always be healthy and not worry us again okay! I'm sure ARMYs will also want you to be healthy more than anything else!" Jin said, comforting Taehyung

Two week later

Narrator's POV

Due to Taehyung's surgery, BTS' comeback delayed to until next month. With the extra month, the members used it mainly to take care of taehyung, hoping that he would recover quickly. The rest of the time were used to practice and perfect their performances as they hope to deliver the best stage for ARMYs who had been disappointed at the delay of their comeback.

The members took turns to take care of taehyung. He has just received his surgery a week ago, yet his recovery was slow. He was in a coma for 3 days when he finally woke up. He temporarily lost about 80% of his hearing and was told to avoid moving around too much or thinking too hard so that the brain can recover faster. Hence, he needed help with many basic tasks and the members decided to take care of him on a rotational basis. 2 person will take care of him every day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Taehyung would then sleep in the evening all the way to the next morning. He needed more sleep than usual as his brain would shut down often for it to recover.

The members were all exhausted from the routine of taking care of Taehyung and practicing non stop. Due to the rotation and Taehyung still in the hospital, there was never full strength during practices. This affected the team's morale and everyone was in low spirits.

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