3. Looking Forward

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"Woah maknae ah, you look so pale, are you okay?" J-hope asked worriedly as Jungkook went into the van.

"Nae hyung, i'm fine, i think i put on too much foundation haha i'll remove them later" Jungkook lied, smiling brightly to his members. J-hope then gave a light chuckle and went on to stroke Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook's POV

I lied casually to hobie hyung and was so relieved when they believed it. In fact, i did not put on any makeup at all but i just didn't want to worry the hyungs. It's our comeback soon and everyone is already stressed enough, no point bringing it up. Anyways, its probably just due to fatigue. I will just try to sleep more and i'll be fine, I reassured myself.

As i kept thinking about the hyungs and our comeback, i slowly drifted off into sleep.

"Kookie yah, we're here!" Hobie hyung said to me excitedly. I tried to open my eyes and was expecting to feel much better after sleeping in the van. Instead, I felt even more tired, slightly exhausted and out of breath. I tried to keep my breathing in control

Jungoook, breathe, slowly... yes, not too loud, you wouldnt want to catch the hobie hyung's attention

I looked out of the car in an attempt to distract myself from my breathlessness. Words can't describe how i feel. I was looking forward to this showcase for so long and now its finally here!

I've got to give my best today, show ARMYs what we have been preparing for them, i'm sure they will love this new album, I thought excitedly to myself.

As we alighted from the van, i could see all the members' faces beaming in excitement. All of us have worked so hard all this while, with this common goal in mind... I smiled to myself.

I was reminded by how much the hyungs helped me to perfect my dance (especially hobie hyung) and also how jimminie, tae and jin hyung have worked hard to perfect their vocals. The vocal line would always stay back in the practice room late into the night to have extra vocal training. Tae would always work to perfect his low and manly voice with many low notes. Jin hyung would sing his part many times and constantly ask us for feedback. Jiminnie and I would work on singing the chorus and high notes. I would often tease and disturb jiminnie in the middle of our vocal practice and he would always fight back, reminding me that he was my hyung and i have to respect him like one. When i had troubles hitting the high notes, jimminie would come over to help me and we would also practice our harmonising together with random songs in our phones. It always feels like a fun karaoke session as the vocal line would always end off practice by singing along to a few songs and being all crazy and hyped up.

Ahh these hyungs really worked so hard preparing for this album, I thought to myself, feeling proud of BTS. I really love all the members and I love ARMYs too, I muttered under my breath as a warm feeling came over me.

Narrator's POV

The members arrived at their makeup room at the showcase venue. There was excitement shown on their faces as they settled down quickly for the makeup noonas to do their makeup.

Soon, the members were all done with their makeup and they started doing their own stretchings and practicing their dance, rap and singing. Jungkook saw Taehyung sitting down on the sofa, practicing his singing parts with eyes closed and furrowed eyebrows. He decided to go and disturb him as he saw tae concentrating so hard.

*Tickles Tae on his neck and acted like it wasn't him* Tae opened his eyes and looked around while moving his hands to scratch his neck which was suddenly itchy. As Tae didn't realise it was Jungkook who did it. Jungkook gave a sheepish smile as he decided to do it again.

*Blows into Tae's ears from behind him* This time, Tae caught on and immediately shouted, "Jeon Jungkook!" He stood up quickly, stumbling a little and did a headlock on Jungkook.

"Woah Tae, too eager to catch me that you are stumbling uh, i'm stronger than you you know, i can easily break out of this headlock" Jungkook teased Tae.

With his other free hand, Tae used it to slap Jungkook's butt "Yah try it, I bet you can't!" Tae said proudly.

They played like this for a while and then finally went back into serious mode, focusing on practicing for today's showcase

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