Chapter 57

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✴Dedicated to Crazy_Hemmo96, ily, KITTEN*wink wink*✴

(/-\) hehehe

Our trip to the grocery was honestly the best trip I've ever been on to a store.

As soon as we got in, we were already being mischievous.


"Cynthia, get a cart!" I look at him in slight confusion. "Why? We don't need much do we?" I ask. He sighs, before walking over, getting a cart, picking me up and putting me in the cart.

"Niall!!" I squeal, my legs hanging out the cart as he giggles loudly, pushing us down an aisle.

We go around all the aisles, throwing in literally any food we want.

"Niall, donuts are not protein!" I yell. He holds them to his chest, looking at me in disbelief. "Yes they are!!" He claims.

I narrow my eyes at him, before lunging forward, snatching the donuts, and running as fast as I can in a different aisle.

It turns out to be the toilet paper aisle, and I quickly dash to an empty space and crawl in, putting a huge stack of toilet paper in front of the once gap.

I hear Niall run into the aisle, and he proceeds to walk down it, right past me. I stifle my laughter.

"Okay, okay, relax James Bond. Come out, we're not playing hide and seek," he whines. I chuckle silently, and he walks past me again.

This time I jump out, pushing aside the toilet paper.

"AHHAGAGH!!!!" I scream. He falls to the ground from flinching so hard. I simply laugh, wave his donuts in the air and take off running again.

"Cynthia!!" I just laugh, running faster through the aisles. I almost knock someone over and apologize, still running.

I hear Niall behind me and laugh again. "Dammit Cynthia, this isn't Temple Run!!" He yells.

He grabs my shoulder and I try to get away, but hes not having it. He throws me over his right shoulder, holding down my thrashing limbs and walking us over to the cart.

He sets me down since the cart is now filled with junk food, and we laugh loudly.

Right before I can try to run away again, an employee approaches us.

"I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to-"

"Cynthia get in, it's the cops!!" Niall, ironically, yells. I laugh loudly at his words and the employee's confused expression.

But nevertheless, I hop in the cart as Niall kicks us off with his foot strongly, sending us flying away from the employee.

We laugh the entire time.

We get to go around the store like that, alluding the employees, six more times before security corners us in the candy aisle.

They tell us it's time to leave rather rudely, but we've been acting like children, so it's understandable.

We only got to check our things out because of Niall being a cop.


"I told you we shouldn't have gone down that aisle!" I laugh as we finally come to his door.

"But why?" He laughs, unlocking the door and letting me in first. I walk in, laughing hard. I set the groceries on his kitchen counter.

"Because you know how we both get around candy!! Especially the gummy bears!!!!!" I laugh as he walks in behind me. He drops his head in mock sadness. " You're right,...we have an addiction," he says sadly. I laugh even harder, shaking my head and putting my, food away.

He helps me put them in my, cupboards.

When we're finally finished- we bought soo, much food, it's ridiculous-, Niall pulls me into a big hug. I hug him back immediately, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"What was this for?" I ask, still not letting go. He shrugs, letting me go first.

"I don't know. Wanna watch a movie? I'm off tonight," he says/asks. I smile, nodding.

We get changed- him in the bathroom, me in his room- and meet up on the sofa, with blankets, pillows, and food.

We put in 'Finding Nemo' (you don't know how bad I want to see Finding Dory, smh, lmao. My mom said we'll see it, but like, when mom???????), And cuddle up with each other, watching the movie until I fall asleep.

It feels good to be away from the house.

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