Chapter 62

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"NO, NO PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" I scream, banging my fist against the window. The officers just sit there.

"HELP ME!!!" I scream louder, hitting my fist against the window again.

But the officers do nothing, and I continue hitting my fist against the window.

Then a hand goes over my mouth, holding on tightly.

"You should have never left, Cynthia. You should have never left."


"Why can't I open my eyes?" I ask nervously. Niall chuckles. "Because it's going to be a surprise," he says.

I gulp. "Where are we going?" I ask. He sighs. "It's going to be a surprise Cynthia, relax," he insists. I sigh, biting my lip. I feel a hand slip over mine and relax a bit.

"It'll be okay," he says. I nod my head, squeezing his hand.

After what feels like an hour, Niall's shaking me awake.

"Now, when you look outside, do not-" "NIALL!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE DOING BACK HERE?!!!!" I scream, looking at my house with wide, frantic eyes. "I know you're scared, but this is for the best, and -" "For the best?! FOR THE BEST MY BLOODY ARSE!!!" I continue.

Niall sighs, looking at me." Cynthia, I know this is scary, and I know you don't wanna do this, but I need you to. There are four officers outside on foot, and three squad cars," he says.

I look at the back windshield, and see some of my bags in the back. My eyes widen more, and I look at him. He looks at me, and smiles weakly.

"I'm going away-" "No. No, I'm not staying here," I say. He looks at me sternly. "Yes, Cynthia. I'm sorry, but you're staying here. There will be officers here 24/7, they will make sure no one gets inside, or anything happens to you," he says.

I shake my head, closing my eyes. I can't, I can't I can't. I can't do this.

Niall sighs. "Please, please just do this for me," he says. I sigh. I can't, I can't, I can't... 

"O-okay,..." I say, feeling the words fall out. I hang my head low, sighing.

I didn't want to say that, but I knew I had to.

Niall beams at me. "You won't regret this, everything will be okay," he promises. I sighs again, getting out the car silently.

I stand and look at the huge house.

I was once so happy to see this house. I was so happy to see it everyday. I was so happy, period.

Not anymore.

The huge house now looks dark and looming, a bad omen.

I gulp before walking inside and setting down one of my bags. I stand there, looking at the front entrance. Looks exactly how I left it. But it's not like I would notice anything different.

I feel as though I've been gone for years.

"Here's your other bags, I've gotta go, but if you need anything just tell one of the officers outside to get it for you okay?" He says. I nod. He looks at me again before sighing and pulling me into a hug.

I hold back my tears and hug him back.

"Everything'll be okay," he reassures me. I just nod again and let go of him, stepping back. He smiles at me again before turning and leaving.

The closing of the door echos throughout the empty, eerie house.

I gulp.

Slowly, I pick up my bags and take them to the living room. I don't think I can go upstairs. I set them down and turn on the TV, sitting down on the couch despite my growling belly.

I sit there for about an hour before my stomach becomes too much to deal with.

I clutch my sweater paws tightly, holding my body. I slowly walk into the kitchen, and walk over to the fridge.

I open it, greeted by nothing. Literally, nothing. All my food is gone. I sigh, walking hesitantly to the door, unlocking and disabling the alarm before slowly opening it.

The officer standing there jumps a bit before smiling brightly at me. " Ms. Reynolds, what can I do for you?" The officer chirps.

I hide behind the door, sticking only my face out. " me Cynthia please, and I, I'm sorta hungry,..." I say. He smiles, nodding.

"Niall would want me to get you whatever you want, soo...." he leaves off. I look at his name tag. " Well, Hemmings, I don't really care what you get, can get anything," I say quietly after successfully reading his name tag.

"Alright Cynthia, I'll get you some McDonald's?" He asks. I smile a little, nodding. He smiles too. " Oh, and please call me Luke," he adds, before walking off the porch and getting in a squad car, another officer by the name of 'Irwin' immediately taking his place.

I wave at Irwin and he smiles at me, waving back. I slowly close the door and lock it. I enable the alarm, and sit back on the couch to wait.

After a few minutes pass, I begin to pick up on something.

A faint, small tapping. I still, listening.

The taping slowly stops, turning into a scrapping sound. I freeze, feeling fear cascade over my body.

Then I get up and run over to the door. I try to quickly disable the alarm, when everything's silent.

My fingers are against me, slipping all over the keypad, not letting me successfully punch in the numbers. I keep trying, and finally punch in the numbers. I smile, then feel someone breathing on my neck.

I stop moving.


My scream tears through my throat, making it come out gravely and harsh.

I yank on the doorknob, not even turning around to see what I may face.

"Oh Cynthia, I missed you so much,...I missed feeling you," he whispers in my ear. I try to turn the knob, but to my horror, the knob melts in my hands. I scream again, dropping the melting metal from my hands.

I close my eyes, trying to ignore the burning in my hands. "This isn't real, this isnt real, this isn't real....." I chant.

A sick, sadistic laugh booms from behind me. "Isn't real? This isn't real? Cynthia, this is as real as when you felt me inside you, when I left you on the sidewalk. This is real Cynthia," he growls.

I slam my hands over my ears, shaking my head. "No, NO NO NO NO, SHUT UP, SHUT UP SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I scream.

His laugh fills my ears anyway, along with his taunts.

"SHUT up, SHUT UP!" I sob, running over to a window and banging my fist against it.

Then I feel a sharp tug on my hair. " Maybe we should pick up where we left off," he cackles in my ear.

My eyes widen and I fight to get out his grip.

I finally get him to let go of my hair, running over to the window again.

An officer walks over to the window and I smile, until he walks over to a chair.

"NO, NO PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" I scream, banging my fist against the window. The officers just sit there.

"HELP ME!!!" I scream louder, hitting my fist against the window again.

But the officers do nothing, and I continue hitting my fist against the window.

Then a hand goes over my mouth, holding on tightly.

"You should have never left, Cynthia. You should have never left."


What have I done.

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