Chapter 1 Athena:

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        Chapter 1 Athena:

     Athena P.O.V:

     The train stops. I grab my luggage and go to the floo network. I calmly say “The Quileute Reservation, Washington.” Next thing you know I’m back home. Well kind of, I’m actually in the woods but I hear the beach so I’m going near the sounds of the waves. Just going with the flow. I see it the La Push beach.

    Hey who’s that walking on the beach? He looks very familiar could it be……..? No it can’t be him can it? Oh I was right it is Sam! Man it’s getting cold but not as cold as Hogwarts on Christmas so I really can’t complain. Ok I’m just going to try sneaking away unnoticed because the next thing I need is him questioning me on how come I haven’t been back for a few years. Ok now I’m really confused, who’s that girl he’s with? Is it really the Sam I grew up with moping around saying ”Oh I will never find the right girl. I’m a lost cause.”? Well of course he was twelve at the time but I always thought he found those words true. Only one thing to do now.

    “Sam!?!?!?!?”,I shout. He immediately turns around. Oh great what did I do that for???????

  Sam P.O.V:

  I’m walking with Emily. She is my imprint. My one true love. She is the one I was meant for and she me. I can’t help but shake the feeling someone is watching me. The pack told me they found a strange scent about an hour ago. I wonder how they got through our defense.

  If it’s one of those blood sucking leeches I won’t hesitate to put it out of it’s eternal misery. Then, I hear my name. I immediately turn around to find a familiar girl around my age standing about fifty feet away. How did I not notice her? She is a bit pale. My first thought is vampire. I feel an anger surge through me Emily backs away slowly. I now turn into my wolf right on the beach, but everyone but the pack is at Forks. I call the others.

  Athena P.O.V:

   I see violent shudders suddenly shake threw Sam. Oh my Dragon he just changed into a wolf! So me being me I do they most logical thing and climb the biggest tree I can find while shouting “You can’t get up here now can you?”. Then to my extreme delight (note the sarcasm) seven more big wolves join him. Oh joy this is just my day. Worst of all my awesome sunglasses are starting to fall lucky though, I quickly do a non-verbal spell so they will stay on unless I deliberately take it off.

 “Sam calm down you would think you don’t even recognize your own sister.”, I shout down from my tree. The Sam wolf seems to be thinking about what I said he and the rest of the wolves leave for a few seconds then come back. Only they aren’t wolves any more but teens and young adults. Ok this getting weird. And I’ve been in the wizarding world for years now.

   “Athena?”  ,Sam asked.

   “Huh? Oh what?” ,I ask.

   “Why haven’t you been home and why are you back?....”


  Well that was rude he didn’t even say hello or anything.      

Always There, Never Hereजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें