Chapter 10 Christmas:

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   Leah P.O.V:

  I just picked up my daughter from her class, but I can’t help but feel someone is watching us. Yesterday I thought I heard voices whispering. But I guess I’m just getting paranoid. I remember when I first shifted Aurora was four and my mom would not let me see Aurora until I got my temper under control. I usually hardly see Aurora because of my temper. This is the fourth time this year that I’ve seen her. Seth on the other hand gets to see her almost every day.  I know what my mom does is best for Aurora, but I don’t know I feel like she thinks Seth is more of a parent to her than her own mother. Suddenly Aurora’s head snaps to the bushes. I strain my ears to listen for noises and hear voices. I hurriedly scoop up Aurora and bring her inside. I lock all the doors while I’m talking to Seth.  Suddenly Aurora joined into our conversation.

  “Mom can I put the star on the tree now?”, she asks. I nod and she squeals and runs to grab the star Seth picks her up so she can reach the top.

  She looks like neither Sam nor I in fact she has Sam’s sister Athena’s eye color. She has perfect straight white teeth and long black curly hair along with a light tan. My daughter is perfect. If Sam find out about her being his daughter he’d probably try to send her away as to not hurt my cousin Emily, his precious imprint. At least I know Aurora is safe from the pack finding out about her. They just probably think I have a boyfriend or something but they’d probably never suspect me to have a daughter.

  “Mom, why do I only see you a few times a year?”, Aurora asks. My heart pounds, how will I ever explain to her that I turn into a giant wolf?

  “Well Aurora when you were four years old something happened, something bad and Grandma Sue said it would be best if I only saw you when I was in control so I wouldn’t accidently hurt you.”, I say a tear running down my face as I remember my father dying and Sam; and Emily just trying to be friendly towards me as if nothing bad ever happened between us.

   Later that day I saw that Aurora was basically almost drowning and Seth who was supposed to be watching her was just talking to Sam and Emily. I exploded into a giant wolf and started growling at Seth then he suddenly exploded into a wolf. Thankfully my mom saw Aurora and got her up to shore in time. But, after I exploded into a wolf my temper got worse and worse and I wasn’t aloud near Aurora unless I went four weeks without my temper acting up.

  “Mom your crying.”, she states. It was then I realized how much my daughter had gone through. Aurora grew up without her father present in her life and a mother who she barley saw. She has friends who have both their parents in their lives all the time. I feel like a horrible mother, if Sam isn’t in her life the least I could do is at least try to see her more.

  “Oh, I Am.”, I state,” Now go get ready for dinner and remember to go to bed early, after all Christmas is tomorrow. And Aurora I’m sorry but your dad isn’t coming for Christmas.”, I say. She shrugs.

  “It’s OK mom, you’ve been saying that since I was little. I’m used to it I’ll probably never know who he is until I’m older but it would be pretty great to know who he is.”, Aurora says sadly. I sigh.

  “His name is Sam Uley.”, I say before I can stop. She grins and goes to clean up. Why did I tell her?

   Athena P.O.V:

  I’m relaxing on my couch when there is a knock on the door. It’s probably some lost campers wondering where the way to exit is. I get up and start towards the door. As I pull the door open the people I see leave me shocked. And apparently seeing me did the same to them.

  “Athena you look well.”, Hermione says her eyes drifting to my stomach a second longer than needed.

  “Thanks, where are my manners? Come in you all must be freezing.”, I say with a fixed smile towards them. I have no problem with Hermonie or Ron. It’s Harry Potter I have a problem with. I can hopefully just bear through with this for tonight. After all it is Christmas today and Hermonie is here with him.  

  “So Athena, you’re having a baby.” , Ron says stupidly. Hermonie whacks him on the head. I chuckle, she so likes him. He just rolls his eyes at Hermonie.

  “Who’s the father?”, Harry asks. Hermonie face palms.

  “Cedric Diggory.”, I say and watch as Harry’s eyes fill with guilt. He should fill guilty. Then their eyes turn confused. I would be to if I didn’t know about the potion.      

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