Chapter 4 Explaining:

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  Chapter 4 Explaining:

    Athena P.O.V:

  Embry and the pack are outside. I’m so nervous what if Embry gets ripped to shreds by Sam? It would be all my fault. If Sam does anything to Embry I will personally blast him to shreds. I don’t care that Sam is a big bad wolf I’ve survived Bellatrix Lestrange for crying out loud I think I can handle my brother. Oh my Merlin! Why am I even thinking about hurting Sam he’s my brother and I just met Embry why am I even thinking like this? “Hello?!?!?!?” ,said Embry.

    “Huh? Um what? Oh hi. So what were you talking about?” ,I ask.

     “So you were listening were you?” ,he asks.

      “Yeah no maybe? I don’t know. I may have zoned out.” ,I admit sheepishly.

      “Really I had no idea.” ,Sam snickered.  

       “Yes Sam you did have no idea because……hey what happened to your hair?” ,I stated. I saw Embry smirk and Sam being Sam and all rolled his eyes at my totally true comment. How dare he roll his eyes?!?!? I happen to be very skilled in changing people’s hair colors thank you very much. I learned from the best pranksters Hogwarts has seen since the Marauders. Fred and George Weasley. Humph! Did I seriously just humph in my head? What’s wrong with me today? First I meet the pack and they seemed pretty fun especially Seth. I don’t know why but I think I developed a small crush on Seth. But then I saw Embry and everything clicked. Does it make me a bad person to like two good guys at once?

        “So what did you want to tell me?” ,I ask Embry.

          “Well um… you’ve heard of soul mates right?” ,he asks. Well I have a feeling this is leading to an uncomfortable topic. I actually had a secret boyfriend his name was Credic Diggory but he died. Me and him were the only ones that knew about our relationship. But that Cho Chang took him and hers ‘relationship’ to far. She knew he didn’t love her but she ‘loved’ him supposedly. Everyone was so sorry for her that they didn’t care to think how it would affect others.

           “Ya why?” ,I ask.

            “Um well you see if a wolf looks at a certain person they um imprint when their eyes meet this other persons eyes. And you see when I looked into your eyes I knew you were the one. I’m not trying to freak you out or anything but um…ya your kind of my imprint.” ,he finishes out of breath.

          “Um is that why after our eyes met I felt like a puzzle piece had been found?” ,I question.

           “Ya…” ,he sighs.

            “Well this doesn’t sound awkward.” ,Seth says. Oh I forgot him, Emily, and the pack were here watching me and Embry. Now that I think about it kinda does sound a little awkward. Oh who cares if it sounds awkward. At least now I know why I have feelings for both Seth and Embry. Wait if I’m Embry’s imprint and we're meant to be then why on Earth do I have feelings for Seth?!?!?

              “Well I have a question how are you guys werewolves? Oh and girl, sorry Leah I forgot about you for a second. It’s just that I’ve seen a bitten one and they look more spookier than you. No offense or anything, I’m just curious.” ,I ask.

              “Well you see Athena we change when there are vampires nearby.” ,Leah says.

               “Wait are there vampi….” ,I start when there is a knock at the door.


         I hear the pack muttering something along the lines of “It’s a leach don’t let it near Athena.” I think I can faintly hear someone chuckling. Emily seems not to hear them and opens the door. Then I get quite a shock when I see who is at the door. But no it can’t be……..         

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