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Sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes, Idk where my glasses are and I'm tired, nevertheless enjoy

Abigail trotted toward the lights of the city, the child on her back. She could feel his steady breaths, indicating to her that he was asleep. She preferred this, she didn't particularly like children, of course she admired their innocence but either way children were overrated, plus they were always noisy and messy in her opinion.

Abigail reached the city, she never realised how beautiful it was at night, peaceful even. The sky was aglow with yellow street lights and colourful signs of late night fast food places. The air was crisp and smelled of frying oil,it must be late, which was a good thing due to the chance of humans sighting her wolf.

The child began to stir, he was awakening from his light slumber, probably because of the lights. This meant Abigail had to phase so she could speak to him and return him to his parents. Abigail tipped him off her carefully and trotted behind a tree to phase.

"You must direct me to where you come from so I can return you to your parents", Abigail said awkwardly, children really did make her uncomfortable. The child rubbed his eyes and looked at the tree lazily, "are you the wolf, my mummy always reads me Little Red Riding Hood and there's a wolf in that, but I know you're a nice wolf not like him", the child asked sleepily. Abigail cleared her throat awkwardly and took a deep breath. "Yes, I am. I am going to bring you home now, no more questions", Abigail replied. She really didn't understand children.

Abigail phased into a wolf again, walked over to the child, leaned down for him to climb on her and stood up. "Keep walking and then turn...um right", the child directed. Abigail run right and a line of terrace houses appeared, it looked very cramped to her."Umm..turn left and then number 61 is my house",the child said finally. Abigail was tired, she was also somewhat appreciative that they had found the child's house so quickly without anything going wrong too.

When Abigail reached the house she lay down so the child could easily get off her and return home. Once he did, she waited for him to stand on his tip toes and ring the doorbell. Abigail trotted behind a car so she could conceal herself from the humans and not cause any strange suspicion. A woman opened the door and gasped, she must be his mother. "Oh my goodness, Joshua! Oh my baby, I thought I'd lost you!", the mother exclaimed lifting him up in her arms. "I missed you mummy!", Joshua replied happily. They both entered the house but Joshua turned around and whispered "thank you wolfie" before going inside.

Abigail was finally left alone to her own devices, she padded around the city aimlessly, she wanted to phase but she didn't feel comfortable walking around the city naked or using her magic to create clothes thus making her more tired than she already was. Abigail decided to explore the city as a wolf, it was about 4am now and dark enough to hide herself easily from the humans. She liked the city at night, it was calming to her, she could hear music and human laughter, probably a nightclub or party. Abigail padded towards it, but staying in the shadows away from the street lights. She wanted to watched the humans, Abigail always liked this, it amused her mostly.

Humans were always more impulsive creatures, maybe not as much as vampires but very impulsive indeed. Humans were always very affectionate too, always kissing. Especially the intoxicated ones, she had noticed. A young couple emerged from the building that Abigail presumed was a nightclub, these two caught her eye. She sat and watched as the man kissed the woman so sloppily, like a animal and continued to push her against the wall. She seemed uncomfortable to Abigail, she could hear the woman's erratic heartbeat. "No, Mason please", she said. Abigail decided to intervene and jumped into action. Her wolf angered by this man's force. Abigail wanted to kill something and now she had given her wolf a reason to.

Abigail sprang on the man, pushing him off the woman and onto the ground. He smelled of alcohol, of course. Abigail got on top of him and clasp her jaws around his neck severing his head from his body, blood spurted everywhere and the woman just sank to the ground with her hand over her mouth. Abigail turned toward the woman, and stared at her before sprinting away. Abigail was proud of herself, she really enjoyed that kill, humans were like rag dolls, easily killed and barely put up any fight. Abigail wanted more, her adrenaline was pumping through her making her even more excited to kill. Abigail slowed down to find more targets, her eyes met a group of men , young but seemingly lost. They were taking hard drugs, no one would particularly miss them bar their dealer , she thought to herself. Abigail raced toward them and jumped in the middle of the group, the men were too drugged up to even move. She ripped off their heads one by one, all five were dead. Abigail wanted to smile, she loved killing, it was twisted but it was easy for her.

Abigail fled the messy scene and spat any taste of their blood still left on her tongue, blood was disgusting she really didn't understand vampire bloodlust, it tasted like metal. The church bell rang and she stared at it, 6am and the sun was beginning to come up illuminating the sky. Abigail began to walk her way back so she could return to the pack house, she decided to phase and channel her last bit of adrenaline to call her clothes to her, it was stupid and tiring but also useful, her wolf body was getting far too boring. Abigail phased and cast herself some clothes, sweatpants and a cami-sole, comfort before fashion was her motto in times like these. Abigail preferred to walk barefoot, grass felt nice between her toes.

Walking along the pavement Abigail's fiery ginger hair blew in the wind, it was probably a curly mess by now but Abigail didn't have any meetings to attend to so looking her best wasn't a necessity. Suddenly Abigail heard a man yell. She ran toward it and saw two rogue wolves growling at a human, ready to attack. Abigail decided magic was her chosen choice of kill, plus casting herself clothes meant a lot to her. She called to the wind in Quilta the language most witches used to cast strong magic. The wind blew heavily around the rogues, two twisters pulled the wolves from the ground and pulled them up to about 30 feet and dropped them. Abigail finally added the touch of the wind dragging their limbs apart, completely and successfully killing the wolves. Abigail really hated wolves in her cities.

It wasn't until a few minutes after Abigail had recovered from channelling that she noticed the man laying on the ground. Abigail walked over, close enough to observe him, he seemed like he had recently fainted, but Abigail noticed something he smelled, divine, like freshly washed linen mixed with spearmint her favourite mint plant. Her wolf wanted to get closer but Abigail hesitated, she peered at him. His eyes were starting open and he lifted himself off he ground, he then was searching for something. Then Abigail noticed the black thickly framed glasses resting beside her on the road. She picked them up and knelt down to him and it hit her, his scent surrounded her, his eyes once fixated on the ground now turned her. Abigail stared at him, her wolf was howling with happiness, she knew what she had found. Her mate.

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